Prison Journal: Introduction

A friend of mine survived two years in a Nebraska concentration camp for private consensual drug use. He kept a journal of his time there and we are going to collaborate to put it all online here on my blog. We intend to name the villains involved in the false imprisonment, psychological torture, physical abuse (the same abuse would be called rape in any other scenario) of him and others in the camp with him.

He was there in three different facilities between Oct 2017 and Sept 2019. His journal will describe the depraved humanity of Nebraskans who love and fund these camps. Is he equating these concentration camps with the Nazi camps: no. Certainly the Germans in Nazi German were far more murderous than the people of Nebraska. But something need not be as bad as the worst of its kind to be included where it otherwise meets the criteria. Nebraska cages and tortures human beings based on their identity and private, consensual adult activities that a just society has no cause to prevent or punish.

Certainly other states in the American Police State run even worse camps than Nebraska. Please do share your experiences and the experiences of people you know in prison in the comment section. Include the names of villains, if you’re comfortable. Perhaps someday if Justice makes a visit to this country, those people can be collected for a just trial that they have not offered to others.

There are two years of journal entries that will take some time to transcribe. A note about the editing. We agreed that I would type everything as it was originally written (no adding, removing, or correcting grammar or making things less harsh or angry), except the following: the names of anyone who was not there by choice or his friends/family outside have been replaced by initials. Looking forward through his journal, it’s possible that I will not be able to read every word and so I may need to improvise, but I will commit to making a note of it at the time, if necessary. Other intensely personal items may be redacted as well and noted in place.

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