Susan L. Strong

Susan L. Strong
Susan Strong, Slaver for Nebraska. Betrayer of Justice. Right-wing Whore.

Hannah Arendt coined the term “banality of evil” after watching Nazi officer Adolf Eichmann’s trial; it’s believed that her meaning is that evil is sometimes the result of small, incremental acts that a person allows themselves to do by telling themselves they are just doing their duty or obeying orders. Nebraska Judge Susan Strong is a perfect example of this banality of evil. She willingly supplies innocent people to keep the concentration camps of Nebraska stocked. It does not bother this so-called “judge” a bit that the police and prosecutors are lying their asses off about the facts of cases. She breezes along, ignoring any contrary facts and dutifully keeping the prison pipeline full of profitable humans. It doesn’t bother her that “the crimes” that she rubber-stamps aren’t actual crimes in the first place and even as such, the police and prosecutors have to commit civil rights violations and evidence manufacturing to meet their quotas; she just keeps mumbling her monotone script and destroying innocent lives with impunity.

Some might take issue with labeling these camps as concentration camps because they are not as bad as Nazi concentration camps. Of course, they are not as bad as Nazi camps. Nothing I know of has been more depraved and inhuman than the Nazi examples. And yet, something need not be just like the worst of its kind to be labeled what it is. My definition of a concentration camp, generally, is a place where political prisoners or people whose crime is in who they are or how they live that doesn’t impact anyone else’s pursuit of life, liberty, property, or happiness, are confined under inhumane conditions. And with their rotten food, exposure to freezing temperatures in the winter and exhausting heat in the summer, violence and rape by guards, Nebraska is certainly running concentration camps.

The fact that “judges” no longer exercise any judicial discretion to keep the state from arbitrarily harassing (pulling people off the highway for obvious-lies like “seatbelt safety checkpoints,” upon which verifying that the seatbelt was correctly in use, they continue to harass) and then implementing cruel imprisonments for private recreational choices is one of the largest reasons that the US is no longer a republic. Judges have become a cog in the profit machine for states and counties needing people in prison beds to collect federal program dollars as well as income from parasitic prison-adjacent industries. That does not count the direct income they make from the convict-lease programs. In Nebraska, the state itself (Cornhusker Industries) as well as private companies, like Sillosocks and Millard Lumber, use the slave labor of prisoners to make millions of dollars of income. All that money at stake has corrupted “judges” all over and turned them into human traffickers, and Susan L. Strong is a prime example.

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