484 down, 246 to go.
God damn, I hate this place. If it was possible to go back to OCC w/o a stop at the concentration camp, DEC, I would.
Was watching the 5pm news on “10/11 News” and there as two segments that really highlight Nebraska’s bad character. The first is that the legislature is considering a bill on medical marijuana. They had some octogenarian railing against the “movement” with no real factual or rational reasoning given. He just wanted to push his authoritarian opinion onto every other citizen. No liberty to make your own choices in this state. They hate freedom for other people with a passion in Nebraska. You can bet that old bastard wasn’t out campaigning against another Viagra when it came out, despite being “unnatural”, and “contrary to God’s Will” or “promotion bad social behavior”.
The second issue – never mind. It was about Facebook charging credit cards of parents using “friendly fraud”. This is actually real fraud on Facebook’s part. Facebook is evil.
Cell phone use while driving is up a lot. No rush by fraudulent-organization MADD to imprison people for 7 to 10 years for that, despite the complete equality of death caused by drunk driving as those caused by distracted driving. Is it because they don’t really care about reducing vehicle deaths due to rogue drivers, but they’re really just anti-alcohol and anti-freedom.
Perman paid me back $3.50 tonight via the vending machine. I’m happy – I was worried he was going to rip me off. We’ll see about Jordan, who borrowed $5 yesterday.
Roger Stone arrested in Florida. What’s that smell – is it COLLUSION? President Dumpster Fire still pouting over the dumb-ass wall. Supposedly there’s a deal to reopen government for three weeks. I hope those pussy Democrats don’t cave – directory or indirectly.
Also an interesting article about the Sackler family. They peddled Oxycotin to the country knowing it was likely to be abused and cause serious health and lifestyle issues. Wonder if fake-judge Susan Strong will be giving 4 to 6 years to each of the Sacklers? Just like Sean Penn’s son getting $1000 fine in Nebraska for the marijuana & amphetamines. Susan is a hypocrite and liar and a human trafficker.
The asshole fascist Nebraskan deciding what medical treatments everyone else should be permitted to use is: Tom Osbourn. The news people asked for feedback on social media. It’s telling that all the anti-medical marijuana messages are ignorant or authoritarian in nature: “if you want medical marijuana, move to a state that’s already legalized it”. None of them made a true, logical proposition for why the personal liberty to choose this option for treatment should be withheld by the state.
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