It is my conclusion that this democratic-republic is dead. There is no saving it. The People themselves have given up on the idea of a free society. Whether its cause is hatred of the ‘other’, preoccupation with the self or just sloth, most of The People would not hike their overweight leg even a millimeter above their Lazy Boy view in support of a fellow citizen unless there was a cash reward. For this reason, there is NO HOPE for a free society. Authoritarians are always at work in free societies to gain enough control to thwart the Power of the People. When the People band together in harmony and mutual respect, no authoritarian can overwhelm them. Even an authoritarian with superior fire-power can’t hold when all of his lackeys realize their future lay with the People instead. But in America, the authoritarians have won the marketing battle; like Heinrich Himmler, they have recognized that brainwashing the unthinking masses is far more effective than any military maneuver or technology.
However, WordPress continues to harass me with recommendations that say a website should give the reader hope and a path forward. Let me be clear, reader, that there is virtually no hope. This country has become a refuge for the physically, but worse, intellectually lazy. Most Americans will not leave their couch for any public benefit.
In order to eliminate the popups, I will suggest the following:
- Get into a jury box. Stop trying to avoid this service, which is the second most important activity in a democratic-republic. The authoritarians win when they pass laws through their authoritarian methods that marginalize and segment people from the whole. In Machiavellian terms, authoritarians follow the principle of “divide et impera” (divide and command). If you slice out the weakest members of society, one at a time, and alienate and destroy them while they are weak and isolated, you can continue carving out weak elements until you have a core group of people that won’t or can’t leave the authoritarians. The jury box gives you an opportunity to use your own judgement about whether the defendant is TRULY guilty of an ACTUAL crime. Stop assuming the police and prosecutor are truthful about the facts, the constitutionality, or the morality of the so-called event. If you believe they are really guilty of a deprivation of another citizen’s unalienable right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness, then give them a fair punishment that educates them about how to approach a future life in society and deters them and others from similarly consuming at another’s expense. But if the state is false in its presentation of the defendant’s behavior as a violation of society’s contract OR the state relies only on persons who have a profit motive in testifying against the defendant (police who gain federal program dollars, bonuses, promotions or prosecutors/judges who gain promotions, Italian vacations, or below-market mortgages), then set them free.
- Get in the voting booth. This too is a hollow suggestion. The truth is that the oligarchy (not a conspiracy, as such, but a fact of the super-/vulture-capitalism that we have in the USA), only allows us choices that have already been vetted to continue the status quo. Do I have a solution? Asked and answered. This country is done. The People have given up and there is no real solution.
- Give and support people who are giving a damn and doing something. The ACLU, the Innocence Project, the Marshall Project, et. al. are all on their feet, doing something. Donate. Or Hell’s bells, you could just stop criticizing people who are marching in the streets in support of a free society. Instead of whining about broken windows by protesters or a few burnt cars, join them and provide more constructive avenues for the angry public energy. Where would the USA be today if people have ignored the substance of what the Tea Party of the American Revolution were protesting against just because of some damaged tea? Where would Jews (beyond the six million massacred) be if the once-anti-Fascist American, British, and Russian military force had not done a little property damage to reign in the German Fascists? Violence happens when oppressed people seek equality. Stop criticizing it just because you and your family got what you wanted.
- Flip over some damned cars until all of us are free: not just wealthy people or the custodians of their corrupt justice system (police, prosecutors, judges, legislators, and other miscellaneous hired thugs).
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