Prison Journal: September 2018

Prison Journal: September 2018
Reenactment of a Nebraska Shower With Filth That Rose From the Drain.

Sat, 1 Sep 2018 [338 + 392]

Mom and B visit at 12pm.

Had fun visit with Mom and B today. Lots of ideas for [project] discussed. B talked about wanting to learn to officiate weddings. Lots of other topics, I can’t list them all.

I saw some advertisements for ‘Tiny Houses’ on A&E. Going to see if Dad has an interest in starting a side business out of that. Going to call and talk to him after 4pm count (not necessarily about the tiny houses).

Watched Bush II’s and Obama’s eulogy of John McCain. W’s was good – strange how bad things have become that I’m nostalgic for George Bush. But Obama’s was fantastic – what a real president should talk like and values he/she should have.

September could be hopefully the death knell (hopefully) for Dumpster Fire’s presidency. 63% disapproval rating. 49% of polled support beginning impeachment vs. 43% against.

I keep thinking about the Nebraska Inferno idea and liking it more and more, but writing an epic poem sounds daunting. How do you even start creating an epic poem? A plot probably and then probably decompose the plot into sections and chapters, like prose book – probably? But then what…

Sun, 2 Sep 2018 [339 + 391]

Good visit with Mom and B from 745am to 1045am. Hopefully next time it’ll be on the outside that we’ll get to visit.

Mon, 3 Sep 2018 [340 + 390]

34 scaramuccis down; 39 to go.

Need to get my ass in gear and get Comp paper written.

Wow, pulled off a paper in about two hours. I’m surprised at how decent I think it turned out, considering how little time I put into planning it. The instructor called out my paper from last time as particularly good and one that he wanted to share with his regular students on UNO.

Watching “RBG” on CNN.

Wrote a draft of the letter to Ernie Chambers for PF. Funny, the topic came up in UNO writing class. PF is writing about his religion (Asatru) getting shut down by the Warden and Religion-Arbiter Barb Lewien. Their religion celebrates outside like the Native Americans (and one other religion) and Lewien is taking their space for some project that will generate more revenue and publicity for the prison.

Tue, 4 Sep 2018 [341 + 389]

The hearings over Kavanaugh for Supreme Court have been enjoyable. Lots of protestors screaming about how shitty a person he is and lots of pushback from Democrats: good. It’s about time those pussies grew a backbone.

Supposed to do the room cleaning today, but JH started doing it because he thought hit was his turn. I asked if he wanted to trade days or just pay him tokens. Thankfully he chose the receive the tokens, so I got out of this week’s cleaning. Wednesday… next week.

Bob Woodard’s book “Crazytown” out and look like it will be great!

Did the phone cleaning at about 815. Asked UCW Wesson to mark me off. She said “OK” when I asked, but it didn’t look like she actually made any move toward the worksheet where they mark that stuff down.

Wrote an IIR to Accounting to ask if I could have my slave pittance donated to the ACLU.

Wed, 5 Sep 2018 [342 + 388]

Old, near-death roommate can’t stop shitting on himself. And he is definitely rotting from the inside.

Stupid fucking Nebraskans can’t figure out how to fill a pop machine. Every time they fill it, they don’t set it backup correctly and it doesn’t accept coins for three days. That’s what happens when you quit after 8th grade, kids.

Wrote a letter to JG describing what we want his help with. Also wrote some checklists for her to give to Spectrum and Wimax to make sure they do the right thing.

Got an email from B – she found out JF was assigned to NSP since 12/20/2017. Since he was in the county jail for longer than me, he probably has very similar end dates. Still no work from douche-nozzle Jeremy. I first thought I might write him or send him some money, but after digesting the news for a couple hours – I don’t want to talk to him again.

Talked to TH. He is thinking of visiting over Thanksgiving.

Thu, 6 Sep 2018 [343 + 387]

Canteen is patrolled by a bunch of douchebags. Near the end of scanning my order, he threw a a Neutrogena bar on the counter. I said I hadn’t ordered that and don’t want it. He said I did order it. We looked at the original order and it was NutRageous, a candy bar. He said “that is why we don’t use cursive”. I asked if he was seriously asserting that. He appeared serious. Instead of just declaring it an understandable communication mishap, he was turning it into some convoluted about why it was solely my error. I wanted to say so many sarcastic things, but including that , according to the SAU program, he was demonstrating criminal thinking, by failing to take accountability for an error. But that dumb bastard (Pat) would just escalate his vindictive behavior to no useful end. He is welcome to stick the Neutrogena bar and/or the NutRageous candy bar up his lazy ass.

Roommate L is a damn hothead. They denied his canteen order because he is on room restriction, but he thought he was off yesterday. The canteen, UCW and self-identified racist McCluskey, and UCM Switzle (?) say he is because the admin lay-in time doesn’t count as punishment. LOL, OMG these people are shit. He started threatening the case manager with non-compliance and then even some thinly-veiled violance.

Burt Reynolds dead at 82 (1935 – 2018). Called mom and dad. Project is rolling along.

Fri, 7 Sep 2018 [344 + 386]

No parole meeting today, apparently. I guess I’m on the second meeting (2xth) of the month. I didn’t get a pass and McCluskey said I was not on the list.

Nurse said the spot on my arm was not MRSA. Thank goodness (that is if the incompetent nurse-cop knows her ass from a hole in the ground, which is a tall order in Nebraska). Survived another day in the Nebraska without acquiring a life-threatening infection from the food or water.

Sat, 8 Sep 2018 [345 + 385]

Burn in Hell, Slimy Serpent Susan Strong.

Sun, 9 Sep 2018 [346 + 384]

A pox on the evil House of Susan Strong. May her infernal corpse be returned to Hell.

Talked to Dad – lots of good ideas for the project. Someone talking to him about having frisbee gold business. Never played frisbee gold. [project details].

Talked to case manager. She said the parole meeting is on Sept 21st and that I could apply for work release right after that. She is off on the 21st and 22nd and so I could stop in for a reclassification on the 23rd. Good news. One week less than I was thinking I would have to stay here.

Got idea for the food paper at the UNO class: reply to the Foer “No Meat” article with anecdotes from my own family experience. Just need a particular food and a point.

Submitted a prescription refill. Sent an IIR to the librarian to see if I could continue requesting books through them here even after transferring to CCCO.

Finished watching Downton Abbey, Season 2. Lots of good shows start this week – hopefully that makes the time pass quickly.

Mon, 10 Sep 2018 [347 + 383]

Need to get my butt in gear on the UNO food paper – 3pm!! ….. Just finished another masterpiece on the topic of food: my grandma and meatloaf.

Strange prison dynamic (perhaps adapted from gang dynamics): “big homey, little homey”. The “big homey” can farm out dangerous and high-risk work (like holding contraband… drugs, stolen goods, guns) to the “little homey”. Sometimes the little homey risks the same or even more (closer to parole, lost good time). Why do they do it? What’s in it for them to spend more time here for someone else? Same for gang/”hood” stuff outside prison?

Ha – only 32% of Americans think Trump is honest and trustworthy. Who are those 32% who think that – do they have a head?

Tue, 11 Sep 2018 [348 + 382]

Only nine days until the parole review. Then two days until I get into queue for work release. Burn in Hell, Devil Susan Strong. Hope Satan has a nice place for you for your hard work.

Got the “Response #2” back from UNI last night. Got a 50/50 and some nice comments. Now it’s time to start on the first paper.

Got a 4 on the room inspection – locker, bed, and chair. Ha – fuck this place. I hope I get an MR for this so I can use it in my book.

Someone upstairs is fighting – three rounds of thunderous pounding on the ceiling. Crazy, stupid asses. Why give more of your life to the degenerate citizens of Nebraska?

Got a long lesson on how I would like federal prison better. Pass. The only people who could be more or as degenerate as Nebraskan citizens are American citizens generally.

Wed, 12 Sep 2018 [349 + 381]

Got up early for Breakfast – it was edible. Came back to Kristallnacht. Asshat and cross-burning specialist McCluskey didn’t take much from me – just my lampshade (some cloth rubber-banded around the lamp).

Wrote a few ideas last night for the UNO class paper. I’ll probably do the paper on the “fat tax” article.

Lunch today was supposed to be “beef, bean, and cheese” burritos. I didn’t go because I wanted to go to the library instead. But the guys who came back from the lunchroom said it was a shriveling up “bean, bean, and more bean” chimichanga (fried in roach-oil). I did go to the breakfast this morning and got the breakfast sandwich (hard-boiled egg + sausage + cheese + toast), which was edible. There was an apple with the meal. It looked cold, crisp and fresh. One bite – perfect! Two bites – perfect! The third bite, my hand gave the apple a bit of a turn for the next bite and my finger effortlessly slid right into the core of the apple through a huge rotten spot. Couldn’t heat anymore 🙁

Thu, 13 Sep 2018 [350 + 380]

35 scaramuccis down, 38 to go. 50 weeks done. Burn in Hell, Susan, daughter of Satan. 8 days until the parole hearing and 10 days until reclassification.

Got a reply to my grievance on the unclean laundry. It was from UCM Carroll. It was an expected bullshit response. They implied, without evidence, that I overfilled the bags or tied them incorrectly and that’s why the clothes didn’t get washed. Unfortunately that defies the facts, which was that the laundry was not even slightly wet on the outside (as it usually is). There had been no moisture applied to any part of the bag at any time. Tying the bag incorrectly might explain items missing and haven’t fallen out – it doesn’t explain that the laundry wasn’t clean at all. She also lied again about the “no recent cases” of MRSA on J3A.

In the middle of a MRSA outbreak, Laundry mixes dirty laundry together in a tumbler and then hands it back unwashed. So whatever pathogens are present on one person’s laundry are spread to everyone’s laundry. No accountability on the part of the Captor.

Baiae – Roman “sin city” northwest of Pompeii (also in the shadow of Vesuvius). Half of it beneath the water – a “sunken” city. Nymphlium – guests were served food on a floating plates while in a pool. Fish farms for wealthy people. No discernible government buildings. Sadistic Nero entertained in Baiae. 4th c AD sunk below the waves (plate tectonics). Volcanic activity made area attractive for natural springs and hot baths.

Fri, 14 Sep 2018 [351 + 379]

Had gotten 4’s on room inspections for the last two days because I made my bed by folding the blanket into a square and putting it at the end of the bed instead of tucking it in like wrapping sandpaper around a pine board. I told McFuckstick (racist) that I wasn’t able to bend like that to make the bed like requested because I have a L4/L5 spine injury and that activity requires me to use my back as a lever at exactly the injured position while trying to life the mattress and perform his slave duties. He acted as if he was thoroughly exasperated and said “do what you”. I asked if just folding it in half and laying it on top of the “mattress” would work. He said OK (which is what I had been doing since Day 1 anyway). What a piece of shit.

DP hasn’t answered his phone for the last two nights. Wondered if got my letter.

Got a 1 on my room inspection. Guess my discussion with him was a success. I heard today that he’s leaving for some industrial job. Good riddance.

JH got raped by several Nebraskan officers in the visit room. His wife kissed him and they saw it on the cameras and thought that she was passing him some drugs. They made him spread his butthole three times and Officer Doofy (Duffy) kept saying “why is your hold so tight?” I told him he should file a PREA case. I’ve watched gay porn that was less suggestive.

Some fight on the yard after room restriction dinner. Someone named GR was sent by his gang leadership to “take someone off the yard” (definition: “beat someone up until they ask for protective custody and/or a prison transfer”) just so his gang could keep him (GR) in prison longer thereby increasing the count of that gang’s active membership in prison. SICK!!

Talked to mom and dad. Probably going to be 2nd or 3rd week of October before they are ready for DP and JG.

Sat, 15 Sep 2018 [352 + 378]

Nebraskans are trashy as shit. Another one of them stuck his head into our room and yelled “CN, you have any shells you want to sell?” while we have people sleeping in here.

Got a reply from Inmate Accounting saying I could NOT donate my fake wages to the ACLU. We can only send our funds to family for support or to buy hobby items. Funny.

Starting reading “A Brave New World” (Huxley). I had started reading it a long time ago and never got past the first chapter because it seemed boring. Now it seems very compelling. Wonder if my Nebraska-caused hatred of government is the difference that makes it interesting to me now.

I’m so tired of this torture chamber. 104 people share 4 toilets. After every meal, half of those people have to run to the toilet and shit out the meal that was served by Dr. Mengele’s Kitchen, so you’re often left for long hours of agony waiting for one of those coveted stalls to become free. It your “ticket” doesn’t come up before count starts, you have to live with cramps and potential busted seal for another hour or two. Miserable people – they’re far more evil and devoid of morality than 90% of the people they’re imprisoning.

No response from DP. Owens is the case worker here on B-wing tonight. Only six days left to the parole review. Eight days until I’m in queue for work release.

Got a thesis for my food/food policy paper. Now I need to think of some personal anecdotes to ground the thesis.

Sun, 16 Sep 2018 [353 + 377]

How many Nebraskans does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, they have slaves for that. They deserve having their light bulbs changed by their slaves – their prison industry costs them a lot of money. Maybe the rancid bitch Susan Strong acquire a horrible, pus-filled disease and die. That would be great.

Started watching Downton Abbey, Season 3 on NET. Good stuff. Check out Also, started reading “The Perpetual Peace” from Kant’s political writings. Seems like an easier read than the one on Theory vs. Practice.

Finally talked to DP. He has been learning to paint miniatures. I need to add a human, female necromancer to my big campaign idea (red-haired & carrying a fan). He has a great mini for that. He had already been talking to mom about pushing the work back a couple weeks.

“You are clinically dumb” and “there’s no such thing as learning herpes”. Hilarious and always appropriate when living in Nebraska. Phrases from a movie coming out soon. Would love to work those into my satirical discourse.

I’m a list-maker! What can I say?
More Lists
Slave Receipt for Aug 2018 – They give us a fake “pay” but it doesn’t cover the hygiene and OTC medicines that are necessary for humans to live. It’s a way of giving cover to their citizens who want any reason to ignore the inhumanity done in their name.

Mon, 17 Sep 2018 [354 + 376]

Didn’t get an earlier pass for the UNO class like the instructor had said we would. Guess he couldn’t swing the getting us there before count as he had wanted.

Probably failed my third bunk inspection – frankly, I’m having a hard time caring.

The meat on the “Reubens” looked like someone at a can of spam, puked it up, and mixed it with the contents of a dust pan. And that visual appeal was the best part of it. I put some in my mouth and it taste was nauseating.

My roommates are some real scumbags. They’re talking about scams they ran, like “green dot scam” and putting “I have cancer” jars in places and setting up “I have H??c.. help me travel before I die” GoFundMe’s. JH, RP, et. al. Gross. I hate Nebraskans. They’re (all) as nauseating as the food.

Tue, 18 Sep 2018 [355 + 375]

Nearing the end of Brave New World – kind of a weird book. It’s like he wants you to dislike all of the characters. Perhaps that the point – the future, everyone will be terrible and shallow. In that regard, he was a 20th century Nostradamus.

C told the room about an IIR he wrote to Canteen. At orientation he had asked if he could buy an alarm clock, so he could get to all the restricted activities on time, e.g. breakfast at 6:05am. (In order to further their physical and psychological torture regime, they create hurdles like “you have a weird breakfast time different from everyone else at absurdly odd and short timeframes” and if you miss that small time slice, you get no breakfast, canteen, use of the bathroom, or whatever the “restriction” is written for. At orientation, Chris, the Canteen Cop, told him “send me an IIR and I’ll think about it and we might be able to help”. C sent the suggested IIR on August 30th and today, 18 days later, he gets a reply saying “get off room restriction”. Just one of myriad examples of their cruelty, abject miserableness, and deception (he had no intention of allowing it when he gave that answer at orientation). But mostly it’s another example of punishment by starvation or nutrient-depravation. No canteen food and they make it very difficult to make it to restricted eating times (how does someone get up at 6:05am when the room is dark and everyone else is sleeping wake himself up without an alarm clock or watch? – they don’t).

UCW and man who hates black people McClusky refused to let dying, Cirrhosis-addled, Hep C inmate RP use the bathroom. Inhumane and cruel and yet part of me thinks RP is doing this for attention/conflict (not that I blame him). But he has the same issue at every count and never makes a move to even try to get the bathroom before. He shouldn’t have to, of course. And there certainly are still plenty of examples where people try and still can’t get through the bathroom before count starts or for long-running counts or even when they got caught behind from some other activity and the need just wasn’t bad enough before they got caught unaware. The cruelty of Nebraskans citizens is unending, but especially Concentration Camp Ward Barb Lewien. I hope she has an occasion (or many) to feel the full force on inhumanity some day, similar to what she delivers at the end of whip.

Wed, 19 Sep 2018 [356 + 374]

Fuck all degenerate Nebraskans. Two days until the parole review. Four days to reclassification. Nine days to halfway mark.

Roommate DK(CN) was punished by Medical with the withholding of his insulin shot and by not rewrapping his diabetic toe. I didn’t write about it last night because I assumed they would eventually come back and get him for it, but they never did. Going to ask mom who to report that to, if for no other reason that to establish a contemporaneous record within the email system.

RP’s nephew is a thief – and the gross kind. He steals from his own family. He just contracted with roomie A for some pictures of the Virgin Mary for a tattoo outline. A is a really good artists – apparently the prison allows him to earn money from the outside by doing artwork here and selling it on the outside. RP’s nephew then started some deceitful negotiations with criminal elements in our room to steal the picture when it comes time to pay A for it. Fortunately I think he failed in his planning to make that work. Scumbags.

Two days in a row they’ve had actually fresh garden tomatoes from the prison-run garden at lunch. Those extremely rare garden vegetables are the only decent things every to pass through this kitchen. Fresh tomatoes! It’s been so long, I wonder if my body will reject the fresh vegetables since it’s been so long. They are have been about two other times we had fresh vegetables, from the prisoner-run garden: cucumbers and string beans and they were as good as they were rare.

Tried to call TH, but no answer.

Thu, 20 Sep 2018 [357 + 373]

Got a pass for a parole review last night for 930am. Nebraskans can’t stick to a fucking plan for shit. So had to cram through the canteen line at 730am (or not eat for a week) and still wouldn’t have made it through the line by 930am had it not been for my helpful roommate LL getting me a spot at the front of the line. Got to the parole review at 931 – just in time.

The parole review was quick and easy. They asked what programming I’d done. I said I had completed the SAU programs. She asked what I’d learned and I said “skills for staying away from drugs”. She asked what some of those were. I said “avoid risky people and places”. Then she asked about my parole plan. At first I said “I didn’t have it” because I thought she was referring to a specific document. She explained that she just wanted to know, in general, so I said I wanted to parole to [other state]. The asked about the connection between that state and the one I was travelling from on my way through this Hellscape. I explained it to her. She said grab a Blue Book and stay away from drugs at work release. The end.

Heard some rumor before and after about Ms. Cotton, the parole board leader. Apparently she pled guilty to embezzling funds and got probation. Follow-up to see if that’s true or an alternative fact. Not sure how she could be still on the board and why didn’t she get 4 -6 years? JH and DK said that she and her son sell drugs in Omaha. Even more far-fetched? Or great dirty secret to uncover and expose? Good thing for her that my threshold for declaring someone guilty of a crime is higher than the State of Nebraska’s standard, which is “if the police accuse it, it must be true”.

More potential tidbits: Her son sells drugs at the Super-T gas station; they’re saying he sells drugs take-out style out of a window in a paper bag. Carlos Booza was kicked off the board for suspended licenses.

Finished A Brave New World. “And so they died miserably ever after”. Pyrrhonic aesthete – a “fable”? I guessed correctly that this was about Utilitarianism somewhere.

Fri, 21 Sept 2018 [358 + 372]

Interesting information from KM about Nebraska’s corruption. His probation officer used to be a guard at Nebraska’ worst concentration camp: Tecumseh, where she was impregnated by a black prisoner (which means she raped a black man in prison). Her husband divorced her about seeing the baby was black (Nebraskans are racists first and foremost). Instead of being fire and imprisoned, she was transferred to do probation work at O’Neill, Nebraska. Her name is Kathyrn(?) Holbrun(?). I wonder if all these delicious stories about the depravity of people administering so-called justice in Nebraska are real or they’re feeding me stuff against people who they don’t like because they’ve heard I’m writing a book. I will certainly find out!!

Need to do some research on Susan Strong. I want to be sure to fully research all of her corruptions too No one could be so unjust and not be hiding other evil acts as well. Of course, the wealthy and privileged classes have one a good job of coding their evil as lawful and brainwashing the knuckle-draggers of buying into it.

Finished Kant’s Political Writings! I skipped the “Contest of Faculties” treatise; could not get into it – even the translator labels it as “bizarre” and “strange”. Started reading The Common Good, by Robert Reich (2018).

Ugh. Charrlin is here. Rotten bitch.

Got Crime and Punishment from the library when I returned the other books. Even in prison, a library is a wonderful and joyous place. As long as you find value in books before 1960 (I do), the prison library is still valuable.

Wonder if I should drop the writing class. I’m getting bored with it. I like the ego boost of reading the professor’s comments, but wonder if I shouldn’t be working on my own writing. Better not, though, until I’m over to work release and not risk getting sent to WEC.

Old notes from note cards: USA – revolution in 1776; French revolution in 1789. England – new government in 1688 (Glorious Revolution).

Other notes from scratch paper: thoughts on some core themes of imprisonment <<time>> “time structure”, “tricking off my time”, “doing my time (my way)”, … also <<home>>, <<safety>>, and <<respect>>. Lots of philosophy, hypocrisy, and topical arguments to be had about those themes… what else?

Sat, 22 Sep 2018 [359 + 371]

Need to revamp my food paper today. Not much else going on all day until “Keeping Up with Appearances” at 830pm. Started reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream last night. Started trying to get my papers cleaned up and old junk cleared out of my locker in preparation for work release. Also “” says that work detail is now 60 days. I don’t think that’s true because Ms. Carroll (the wife of the Ms. Carroll that is UCM here, who works across the street at CCCO) would have said something about it. She was at SAU to tell us about work release.

Went to lunch today as it was tacos and I couldn’t do soup and rice again. Everything was decent enough except the lettuce was disgusting. Wrote an IIR to the Food Service Director Dickey [Editor’s note: found his picture below]. He is a real degenerate who relishes torturing people in captivity with “food” that I wouldn’t feed to an animal. Wrote: “I wanted to let you know that the lettuce served with tacos was way past fitness for human consumption (though not yet dropping with brown rot, like earlier in the summer). I suppose I should, by now, just accept that the rotten food is an intentional part of the pogram here?”

I’m certain they purposefully do some of these things to be miserable. So much incompetence could not unplanned, could it?

Requested the influenza vaccine from Medical. That reminds me of something funny from DEC. Someone there – I think it was A – didn’t know flu was short for influenza. That’s how good Nebraska grade schools is.

Sun, 23 Sep 2018 [360 + 370]

36 scaramuccis down, 37 to go. Only 53 weeks to go. Hopefully I will hear something back from the case manager today about my work release application.

No update from the case manager. She said it can take a week to come back. Will check with her on Thursday.

Mon, 24 Sep 2018 [361 + 369]

Blah. Up all last night be pedophile A “couldn’t sleep” and was up making noise and shining his spotlight around the room.

Apparently hottie T is getting kicked out of SAU for drug use caught on camera. Hope, JH gets his spot and they swap and T’s my bunkie now. I couldn’t be so lucky… haha

Need to get my paper cleaned up and ready for typing in class. I need to get OK with the idea of just sloppy paper writing instead of worrying about trying to write under these sub-standard conditions: no research capabilities, no ability to edit in place (work processing), etc. But it’s hard to let go of the writing pride.

I’m really happy with the changes to the paper for the UNO class. The intro without reference to drug use was a weight off my back. I loved the intro before, but began to worry that the professor would reject it since he specifically forbid it. The second conclusion was also much better and I made better connectives between evidence sections. The professor read it near the end and had some concerns about run-on sentences and Almanac data. I fixed both suggestions. It’s funny how I can go from being so pessimistic about the paper that I was thinking of dropping the class to looking forward to my A+ and complimentary feedback.

Before class I talked to the grad student that comes with him and mentioned my personal activities and research into the meaning of justice. I also mentioned the idea of a kind of Dante’s Inferno version of my Nebraska experience. At the end she asked if I had told Dan (professor) about my plans. As I hadn’t, I said so.

Got back in time to pickup my prescription from the pill line and to see the season premiere of Young Sheldon, series premiere of Magnum, PI and soon, Manifest.

Tue, 25 Sep 2018 [362 + 368]

Got up early so I could put my blankets in the laundry. They only wash blankets once per week and you have to stop sleep and give them up at the butt-crack of dawn if you want them washed. Had some blueberry oatmeal from my canteen stash and a Diet Dr. Pepper for breakfast. The older guy that fills the bleach bottles spazzed out about someone “disrespecting” him while he was filling bottles near the sink. Racist McCluskey called for him to be taken out by the yard cops after his second outburst. It was directed toward the cute black kid with the pinched nose from Room 6.

Mom replied that she is ordering the books I requested: Fear, Alice in Wonderland, Crime and Punishment, and Homo Deus. Thank you, Mom!

Returned the The Common Good book – that was a great read. I need to get a copy of that for myself eventually. Made a couple of pages of notes in my book notes. Also returned the copy of C&P from the library since it was all shredded up, missing pages, and smelled like the decay of civilization, and may or may not have been carrying the Black Plague. Will wait for the copy mom is sending. Read more of Clowns to the Left of Me; Jokers to the Right.

Bill Cosby sentenced to 3 to 10 years in PA state prison and must register as a sexually violent predator for life. Ugh. I want to stop celebrating in the misfortunate of others, but he did steal the liberty and dignity from other people. Instead, I want to say “Good. It seems that justice was done in this instance”. This does introduce a counter-example to my theory that wealthy and well-connected people never truly pay for their crimes, even the real/serious ones. It seems like his only claim is that he is too old and in physical disrepair for punishment. There are lots of old and informed people in prison here – that should not have been a way for him to avoid some justice.

Wed, 26 Sep 2018 [363 + 367]

Nebraska killed another inmate this morning: some older white guy. The method of execution was not disclosed. They say a coroner will review the death, but we already know how that works. They take six more more months to do the release anything and by then it’s been long forgotten.

Turned in my phone table to property this morning. She asked if I was done with it and I said “yes, I’m trying to clean out my locker before work release.” She accepted that. Also asked if that was where I turned in my TV-sell worksheet and she said just to drop it in the mailbox.

Apparently our roommate A (called C) was just beat to shit by “some white guy” on the handball court. RP saw him after and said he was “really leaking”. RP saw saying that he would go to the hole if caught bleeding by the guard. It goes to Nebraska’s inhumanity that they would punish the victim of an assault with time in the hole. Or is it just laziness? If they discourage reporting, they can avoid the work of treating wounds, writing reports, or investigating the disagreement and assessing the likelihood of retaliatory violence.

Other prison core concepts/themes: (1) “getting money” – meaning (a) selling drugs or stealing on the streets – a preoccupation with fast income, requesting very little effort. also:(b) scams or, oddly, (c) accumulating a set of weights at the “weight pile”. (2) “hot” – meaning (a) “under surveillance by prison officials for using, selling drugs, or other illicit activities or (b) someone who has or might snitch.

It was pretty hot in here last night – really uncomfortable. Part of the maximum unpleasantness objective of the prison, I’m sure. DK predicts tonight will be even worse; I hope not.

Around 730pm Abbott came in and cleared out A(C)’s bed and locker. Apparently he will not be coming back. The roomies think he will be sent out to LCC or NSP. Abbott spent 30 minutes cleaning all his stolen shit from his bunk. Crazy piles/layers of state clothing hidden under his mattress – way more than he should have. The roomies were kicking themselves for not having picked his property clean before the officers came and got it. JH got his earbuds and C got his light-bulb. The rest got packed up.

Somehow they started equating the situation to gang life. The “keys to the car” means “the authority to direct the activities of the local chapter of a gang”. RP has been talking about how he could do a good job cleaning up the Pisa gang that operates here. Apparently he was in charge of a chapter in a federal facility. The gang experts in here were saying that the guy who beat up A(C) was 2nd in command of the Peckerwood gang. Then something that I couldn’t follow about how the Pisa (which protected A(C)) teamed up for some decision about not letting A(C) back on the yard with the Serranos, but that shouldn’t really have happened because Pisas and Serranos are supposed to be enemies. Gang mechanics are every bit as nuanced and corrupt as politics of the larger society. I started to write “pointless” too about the gang stuff, but as I reflect a bit – it’s probably very necessary given that the gang for the power majority (i.e.: police, prosecutors) have shut them out of getting any justice out of that system.

Earlier LL asked Abbott if he had a girlfriend and Abbott said “yes, for like 8 years”. LL said “gay people know other gay people and one thinks you are”. Abbott replied “I don’t care what people say. I’m not.” Then LL: “Oh, you’re just effeminate?” HAHAHA. Abbott just walked away. Well, he definitely sets my gaydar off.

JH just swindled Abbott out of a pair of the Titanium headphones that Abbott had retrieved from A(C)’s bunk and locker. JH had some blank property forms and wrote out a property receipt for the headphones he knew A(C) had and told Abbott that A(C) had been using his (JH’s) headphones. Abbott bought the amateur deception.

Thu, 27 Sep 2018 [364 + 366]

Last night the room was miserable torture. It was like an oven. We tried to open the door to cool the room down, but the sadistic guard kept shutting it. I couldn’t breath hardly at some points and definitely couldn’t sleep. JH said he would up in the middle of the night with random bloody nose. Thinking of writing a grievance about it. This is torture. Wonder if the heat was how they killed that inmate the other night.

Watching the Senate Judiciary Committee interrogate with poor logic and deceitful practice on the part of many senators. I’m liking Sheldon Whitehouse – professional, direct, logical, and with a sharp bite. I think asshole, degenerate torture-supporting, Bush II-era war criminal Brett Kavanaugh is sunk – or he should be.

Got a reply from Food Service Manager Dickey, regarding the rotten lettuce on 09/22/2018. It appears he also has a bit of a sense of humor. I wonder if Torquemada did his work with humor too? He wrote “Sorry to hear this, I will look into this issue – and yes – we can always use help.- please see a food service manager concerning jobs.”

RP just came back from the shower agitated because a turd floated back up into the shower stall and brushed his foot. I tried to talk him into submitting a grievance, but he thought Cpl. Abbott was going to take care of it. I think I should write to the Health Department. Helped write a grievance on Medical for RP because they won’t give him the walker that he needs. They have two styles of walker: one that requires the upper body strength and energy to life the walked with each step, set it further out in the direction they’re walking, and then they pull themself toward the new location and another style that rolls along and has a seat so when they get tired, they can sit on it and recatch their breath. RP even offered to have the one he had at home sent by his mom to the prison. They denied that and they denied giving him one of those that the prison has with the reason “We’re picking who we give those too”. I think she meant he’s Hispanic and Nebraska reserves those for white people.

Draft/Notes of Grievance I Helped Write for Roommate. The Nurse Denied Him a Walker Because They’re “picking about who gets those”.

Fri, 28 Sep 2018 [365 +365]

Hallelujah!!!! Made it halfway through this nightmare. Thank God!

I have decided that I want to work on a few things about myself. I would like to be less rigid and more forgiving to friends, family, and regular people I encounter. I would like to be more pleasant and charitable in my disagreements with people over politics, philosophy, or ideology. But only people of good heart. I would like save my anger and fighting energy for people of evil intent and wicked purpose. I am going to spend the rest of my days on Earth fighting against unjust people, laws, and practices. How do I go about making those kinds of personality changes? I don’t have any idea. Might have to wait until I get out of here and do some research, talk to someone.

Day #2 of high drama on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Kavanaugh deliberations.

We got a new roommate this morning. It was hairy for a little bit. The kid came from the Juvenile Center (NCYF?) and quickly admitted under questioning by the “khaki cops” in our room that he had an attempted sexual assault on a child under 10 charge. For a few minutes, it seemed like JH was going to do something violent. I was prepared to threaten to open the door and call the guard. Strangely the tone changed mid-threat to trying to help the kid. Perhaps because they intuitively sense that he was very immature (and not that old himself). They “assigned” J to show him around the campus, take him to lunch hall, and other things. Apparently he likes Dungeons and Dragons. Seems like all the pedos here play it. I may never play again.

Learned how to make fried rice from DK, but ended up burning the shit out of the rice. Maybe it was for the best – that way they will not ask me to take a turn at cooking again. Haha. But I did try.

RP got a reply from his Hep-C grievance that just repeated his grievance and repeated their earlier position: no treatment for serious illness until you’ve been here a year. Funny that reply came back very fast – like 2-3 days. That supports my these that they hold onto other medical grievances where they know they’re in the wrong as long as they can to delay as long as they can to give themselves extra time to schedule what they should just done in the first place. Then when they have an actual policy (albeit an evil/inhumane one) to fall back on, they go ahead and reply immediately.

LL is so loud and obnoxious. He’s nice for the most part, but so oblivious when he’s being a dick (e.g. calling anyone he doesn’t like a “faggot”). He’s loud and noisy – talks over people without a thought in this head. Thankfully he gets out in 26 days.

Sat, 29 Sep 2018 [366 + 364]

Oh, got a paper from ML to read. He wrote a paper on the politics, morals, and technology of research chemicals. It was an interesting read. I’m not sure how current all the components are. One theme is that it might be legal to make or buy “ring substitutes” or single-molecule-different chemicals of popular recreational drugs and label them as research chemicals. These can, according to his research, be sold and made as long as they don’t have dosage or usage labeling. Interesting. But also, there’s the fact the one molecule can make a hell of a difference H2O vs. H2O2, but presumably, it would be experienced chemists making those molecule-change choices.

Mass hysteria event in the 80s: satanic rituals around every corner and at the then-new daycare industry. Began with a fake biography about his life in a satanic cult by: ???? Wernke, who later admitted it was full of shit and became a stand-up comic. Too late, though, the idiotic police began a witch-hunt and ruined a lot of lives. The FBI did a 10-year investigation and found little to no evidence of any such trend.

intentionality bias + proportionality bias + fear of random events => conspiratorial thinking

I’m in a good mood today – I feel productive and organized. Need to keep up the momentum over the weekend and get my paper written for the UNO class, finish a draft of the pardon questions, and create a better draft of my crime/offense philosophy (in case they ask about it again in the UNO class).

Got an email saying my cousin by marriage HT died. 🙁

Thinking I might not turn in the last grievance about the torturous, baking heat and UCW Gibson.

This kid is not going to last in this prison system. He is a like a 14-year old as far as emotional intelligence. He doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut and he think he’s building friendships by admitting the what he’s done and what’s going through his head, but they’re just leading him to slaughter. If there was any responsible, moral adults in the State of Nebraska, I would let them know they need to move him to a safer place and one where he could get treatment and have an opportunity to develop some adult skills. This is Nebraska; however, and I’m sure they knew this and intentionally moved him in to this situation to stir the violence. Nebraskans can be largely put into two categories: ones with no sense and ones with no soul. Should I try to help him? I’m not qualified and what could I possibly do anyway?

There was a fight in the our room between DK and AR (which isn’t even in this room!). It was a ridiculous, “you are a disrespectful mother-fucker” kind of fight. Apparently AR was standing behind or too-close to DK as AR was talking to UCW Wesson and that was enough to show “disrespect”. So they wrestled around for about 3-5 minutes and AR left quietly. He was back out in the dayroom a half-hour later, so must not have been too bad. I didn’t watch the wrestling.. I was reading my Newsweek.

Drugs are on the unit again. Morons can’t stop even when the stakes are so high.

Sun, 30 Sep 2018 [367 + 363]

Burn in Hell, Susan Strong. Ugh. Need to stop that to meet my less-angry objective.

Wesson came in earlier to ask me some questions about Trump and his net worth. Black guy called C started talking to me at the kitchen sink. He’s doable….mmmm.

Scandinavian cooking website: on CreateTV.

B sent an email saying JT died of an overdose. She had been struggling with an addiction for awhile and he trouble staying away from them. She was recently excited that she had a granddaughter coming soon.

Need to get my ass in gear and write this UNO paper. I still don’t have a thesis – thought I do have a lot of tidbits to add as evidence of something.

I ended up turning that grievance on UCW Gibson in. It’s been crazy hot again last night and shaping up to be the same tonight. Plus I hope they just get tired of me and push me onto CCCO sooner than later. Dear God, please move me there ASAP. I’m going insane here.

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