Facebook Aids Racists

Facebook has become a haven for racists, like Michael Chad, who provide cover for murdering police by spreading lies about their victims. Breonna Taylor was an innocent young women, murdered in the middle of the night by Louisville police. Allegedly she had dated someone who had been selling drugs, but that person was already in police custody, at the time the police busted through her apartment door and began their masturbatory release of gunfire. She was an EMT and innocent of any crime.

Racist Michael Chad has been spreading racist propaganda on Facebook saying that they she was a drug dealer and supposedly she had admitted to it on tape somewhere, but when pressed for the proof, he offers nothing. And even if it was true that she was under investigation for that (which is there is no evidence of), she still deserved a day in court. However, it is clearly a lie. Liar Michael Chad then turned to Facebook in spreading his lies and deceit and Facebook obliged him but banning anyone who challenged his lies.

It is particularly funny that a police officer’s go-to when confronted with discourse is to call for censorship. But that is the “justice” that America lives with today.


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