Prison Journal: December 2017

Fri, 1 December 2017 59/666

Gym time changed today so now I can listen to NPR for awhile – yeah! Listened to Paul Ryan talking to Steve Inskeep – what a goddamn liar. He can’t see why Trump has no credibility on Russia and election interference and wants to hold Congress to a high standard on sexual harassment, but has no idea how to do it our how to find out how to do it (his words). Rex Tillerson is next to go!

Military guy talking about opioid addiction and good sharing of his story and good information – unfortunately all lost on this country that just wants its pounds of flesh.

John Conyers gone in ….5 …4 ….3 …..2

Roommate A is packing up for court in Grand Island. Apparently he will be gone for about 5 days. Wonder if they will move someone else in here? The court date was cancelled after he already packed up all his shit. What about bunch of stupid bastards.

I converted to Catholicism by request to religious coordinator and said that I wanted a vegetarian/religious meal. The Edgar Allen Poe book arrived today!

Sat, 2 December 2017 60/665

Skeltorette here again. She just said “if it smells, clean it.” Cot Q showed some sweaty nipple today. MMmmmm. Gross soup and Grade-D bologna for lunch. R brought the cross-word for me to finish again today – today he had hardly any of it down (right). I got it all. The theme was a “certain Hugo story”. The character played by Charles Laughton – Quasimodo – and the phrase used by him “when his job got to repetitions” – “IF I TOLLED YOU” / “ONCE I TOLLED YOU” / “A HUNDRED TIMES”. Funny stuff. Skeletorette really shocked the pod today by calling lower tier before cot group for lunch. Crazy!!

Borges tonight. The kitchen staff really underdid themselves. We had Grade D (Nebraska’s finest) cold cuts for lunch and Grade F luke-warm cuts for dinner. So bad it should be illegal. I ate dogfood out of a silver package (from commissary).

Talked to mom and dad. Garage is moving along – will have the roof up soon and then he will switch to the foundation of the house. O and C are helping him.

Watched Captain America – naturally didn’t get to finish it. Time magazine arrived!

Sun, 3 Dec 2017 61/664

Skeletorette again. Weird FR keeps staring in our door. We’ve been on lockdown (“modified operation”) since after breakfast. Apparently two officers had to go to the hospital My theory is the morbidly obese officer had another heart attack and fell on the other officer. We’ve had to eat lunch in our rooms, but still are going to yard apparently – the ignorance of this place is out of this world! Another nasty “chicken” patty for lunch with moisture-less pumpkin cookies. Fucking Borges again.

AN said someone wrote a kite as if by him that said he didn’t feel safe on this unit. Strange. I proposed that maybe someone was trying to get his room.

Boring afternoon. Finished Stephen King’s “Everything’s Eventual” and started the Edgar Allen Poe book. Have to remember to get up early tomorrow and watch for the library sign-up sheet.

TR asked if I wanted to wash his back. Ha. What a goofball. But… I would have. 🙂

Made a very small commissary order. No interest in it for some reason – just a few candy bars and some pop tokens.

A has moved to his next victim – the black kid (“Butters”).

Mon, 4 Dec 2017 62/663

Still at DEC. Skeletorette (Kennedy) here again and found out she can’t read. Once a thief, always a thief. W and S filled their 22oz tumblers with coffee. Got signed up for the library against all odds.

Supposedly I have a parole review hearing this morning. Met with parole board – they seemed nice enough. They said “software engineers don’t go to jail”. Parole board humor, I guess. When I left the one guy said “don’t hack the computers”. Mr. Richards was the parole board lead.

New haircut guy – need to sign up.

Got another Newsweek – I can’t tell you how wonderful they are while I’m in this shithole. Borges tonight. He searched our room again and when it was over, he said “good job… it’s very clean.” I laughed and said nothing. What a fucking idiot.

More incompetence – the already shitty meal arrived with only about half as much food as was needed for the over-the-max-occupancy number of people that we have in here. The food porters have their fill of food before and after the rest of us are served (e.g. coffee morning of 12/3/17) and the COs eat from the trough before us too (Bearcat – lunch 12/4/17). CO Mason eats out of our food too before we’ve eaten – damn hog.

The justification I included in my religious diet request:

“In Leviticus we’re told that certain things are abominations, like eating pork, shellfish, meat from multiple animals, meat from unknown animals. I think if I continue eating the abominations served by the kitchen here, I will go to Hell. Eating clean, Godly foods is important to my eternal salvation and therefore the practice of my religion.”

Two of the “paper-checking” committee were taken out of the unit: AK (in cuffs) and RS. 20 minutes later RS came back pissed off and Borges was taking AK’s belongings from Room 9 off the unit. I think it was related to what J told me earlier today that his roommate wrote a kite reporting the “paper-check” committee for discussing harassing other inmates based on their charges/convictions loudly outside their door (room 1).

Thu, 5 Dec 2017 63/662

Transferred to OCC today at breakfast. Painful wrist-torture to get here: cuffs that will break your wrist if you turn too fast or the van hits a bump.

Saw A and B here. Talked to A when I went to pick up my medicine briefly. This place is quite a bit different than DEC. I’m in J3B now, but will have to move to J3A for SAU (substance abuse something). Sometime in February probably. Possible good news that I can go to the library anytime and the librarian is supposedly very helpful. Orientation is early tomorrow: 7:50am.

Wed, 6 Dec 2017 64/661

Had orientation at 7:50am. It went pretty well. Seems like there might be some options for correspondence courses. I sent a kite to see if it is possible. Also sent kits of education and library to see if they have any inmate jobs. Felt bad for the mailroom lady – she was trying to be helpful with some highly practical tips, but her public speaking skills were a little weak so they were terribly rude to her. I think I lucked out with OCC (of the choice of concentration camps go, at least).

Went to the library and checked out two books: Calculus with Analytical Geometry and Children of Dune. The librarian lady is a lesbian, I think. She was really nice to me too – waited patiently to keep the door unlocked for me specifically and commented that she’d remembered me from the orientation class earlier. It’s bizarre how in the midst of so many hateful, inhumane people in Nebraska, there are a few shining stars.

Roommates are fun – sex jokes, snoring/noisy sleeper jokes. Lucked out with them, I believe.

Wrote letters to JH and mom and dad. Going to get started on the calculus refresher. Also started on Children of Dune.

Thu, 7 Dec 2017 65/660

Thursday is my assigned day to mop the living quarters. P made fun of me cause I didn’t know how to use the bleach-dispensing cannister. He’s hilarious. They’re all pretty funny and helpful. Lots of homo humor.

Went to get canteen this morning; it’s a better canteen process than D&E, except that you have to wait outside and it was cold as a well-digger’s ass. Got a lamp, alarm clock, and a calculator in addition to regular stuff D&D had.

No bags for laundry yet from Laundry – have to go back tomorrow. Went to Food Service orientation and I’m going to be a spork roller. Yes, that’s right. I’m going to roll plastic sporks into a napkin for 3.5 hours. Wrote kites for a haircut, for my second meningitis vaccination and to get a pillow.

The afternoon CO is a girl that no one likes very much. She’s kind of a stickler for the rules. She was nice enough to and helpful to me, but I can see where she might not be so helpful if you got on her bad side.

Fri, 8 Dec 2017 66/659

Got a pillow this morning. Found NPR also. Biscuits and gravy – much better than D&D. Hilarious: Palestinians super-imposed Trumps’ face on a urinal. Go Palestine! Trump recognizes Jerusalem as the Israeli capital – what a putz. Al Franken resigns for sexual harassment – what the hell! The world has gone crazy!

Bad news from Education: no jobs at this time. But on the question of correspondence classes, she said she’d forward the request to the principal of the program. Talked to mom and she will put $500 on my account.

Started my spork rolling career today. My God – what have I done. What did I do for this terrible treatment from Karma. Rolled over 500 sporks and got “good job” from the Lead Spork Roller and the Assistant Kitchen Manager. That Lead Spork Roller better watch out – I’m going for his job. Ha.

Was raped on the way out of the kitchen by the pat-down guard, Dermitty.

Sat, 9 Dec 2017 67/658

“The Last Prayer of Ricky Graves” advertised by NPR. Listening to Car Talk – funny stuff. Someone called in and asked “Is it better to have a competent mechanic whose a crook or an honest mechanic whose incompetent?” What is this from? <<Do you bit your thumb at me, sir?>>

Two back to back stories on NPR: The Spiderman – a thief from San Francisco. A Korean kid adopted to Iowa who resorted to acrobatic thieving to support his gambling addiction. Then a black kid who grew up in Wine Country, CA who had a unique name (Zoom?) but otherwise sounded and acted like any American but faced discrimination in a very white area and so he adopted this Ugandan foreign exchange student persona. There is some lesson here about identity and deception. Need to think more about what that is.

NPR talking about “Desert Bus” the most boring game in the world. By Penn Gilette. 3.5hours of tapping left on the controller. The game doesn’t have any pitfalls, shenanigans with riders, or anything else, just a tendency to veer right, so you just play the game by hitting the left button for all 3.5 hours. They just made it into a VR game.

“Accept that what is not your fault is still your problem”

Radio Schedule


10-11 On the Media

11-12 Marketplace

12-1 Thistle and Shamrock




4-5 All Things Considered


8-9 Morning Edition

9-10 On Point

10-11 On Point

11-12 The Takeaway


1-2 Jazz Nebraska




“All our marbles in the virtue basket” Amicus

1913 Income Tax Amendment – very low initially, but by WWI a big hike and the birth of loopholes for various types of rich peoples’ incomes. 1930s-40s Keynesian influence. 1950s-60s LBJ/Great Society. 1970s Jude Waniski “Theory of Two Santa Clauses”. 1980s Reagonomics/supplyside. Reagan and GWB => extraordinary deficits. “Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society” – Oliver Wendell Holmes. 10-20% ROI for eduction. 2008 – 36,000 overdoses; 2015 – 52,000 overdoses; 2016 – 64,000 overdoses in the US.

Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 – passed by House. WTF! Late 18th century, beginning of gun restrictions. Gunslingers had to start checking their guns in with local sheriffs when entering towns.

Yesterday CH asked if I was gay and I said yes. Lots of gay jokes now, but all pretty funny.

Sun, 10 Dec 2017 68/657

Wrote back to DP and JH. Going to wait a bit to return P letter. The J3 unit had a complaint session with the Administrator Wees this morning about Charlin. Skipped prison breakfast again today and ate an apple turnover in bed instead. Thank God for NPR! The station here is KIOS/93-ish and it plays all the time unlike that shithole Lincoln where they just play Morning Edition for an hour in the morning.

I created direct orders for (1) TV, (2) headphones, (3) tennis shoes, and (4) a watch. I hope the TV comes back quickly.

Republicans are so disgusting. Polls of them say Al Franken was right to resign, but Roy Moore shouldn’t They don’t even care about the hypocrisy and lack of integrity.

Got first prison haircut from C. Charge was two tokens. I gave him six and two to Paul for batteries.

Mon, 11 Dec 2017 69/656

Listening to NPR about the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act passed by the House. This is very hard to believe. Are they going to force states to recognize each others’ drug carry laws? Every argument an NRA-sycophant makes is 100% hypocrisy. See Heller decision.

Met F at spork-rolling today. He irritated me at first trying to correct me away from how the last guy showed me how, but then he got nice. He’s Dakota from South Dakota. He had some kind of drug-dealing charge, it seems. 77 years old – great use of taxpayer money.

Got an email from KP. Guess I will have to figure out how to use the mail kiosk to reply.

The Takeaway, NPR eating disorders, substance use disorders -> genetic support => same class of disorders. – addiction language/standards “Addictionary”

Dr. John F Kelley, Harvard University. Use language commensurate with a neurological disorder instead of jumping to stigmatizing criminal justice terms.

History of Health Insurance. Dr. Kimble of Baylor U Hospital in Dallas TX. Proposed group benefit to help subsidize his broke hospital because otherwise people were reluctant to use a hospital. Then Rufus Roarem, 1937… Then WWII …

Last AL Senator elected as a Democrat was Richard Shelby, then current Republican senator. Harare, Zimbabwe. Robert Mugabe 37years still under US sanctions.

My purchase order by headphones was denied because I already have the shitty D&E pair. Still no word from the library about a job. Administrative Procedures Law. FTC voting on next neutrality today or soon. FTC is so corrupt. The chairman is an AT&T employee.

Need to meet with my case manager ASAP.

Tue, 12 Dec 2017 70/655

Skipped lunch since I worked today (forced early dinner). Need to see the case manager tomorrow. Not much else going on today.

Wed, 13 Dec 2017 71/654

Loves me some CNN. Rod Rosenstein on the Judiciary Grille. Wrote a letter to KP (3 pages).

Thu 13, Dec 2017 72/653

Started the day with an emergency situation – a kid on the wing with arthritis and gout and who uses crutches fell down the stairs. My room C said he saw it – the kid tumbled from the third step down to the bottom. I saw myself only as the officers and a nurse (the same Asian lady that was present when I arrived at OCC). C’s notes: The nurse said “OMG” when she saw him crunched at the bottom of the stairs, but one of the officers checked his pulse and said “it’s ok he’s got a pulse. he’s just unconscious.” Strangely a few hours later, the kid was back on the unit – I saw him walk past our room and was yelling to another inmate, “c’mon, I got a concussion.”

Skipped lunch since I worked at 3pm. God damn that job is annoying and back-breaking.

A ray of hope – got two magazines and two books from mom. “Democracy in America” and “The Prince”.

Roommates are going to do a Xmas dinner in our room – hot pockets. I contributed 2 rice, 2 tortilla shells, and 1 sausage. I also need to remember to order 2 more sausage and 1 velveeta cheese tub next week’s commissary.

Got Christmas cards at the canteen need to get them filled out.

Fri, 15 Dec 2017 73/652

Have Xmas cards to send to P, mom and dad, and JH. I have two more blank ones. Scratch that – sent the other two to JH and DP. Got my statistics book. The night guard impressed me by apologizing for being mildly rude when I asked for my mail the first time. Spork rolling is starting to drive me crazy. The only saving grace is that it only lasts a couple hours (3-6pm).

Sat, 16 Dec 2017 74/651

Worked on 2 units of the statistics: visualizations and measures of central tendency (“averages”: mean, median, mode). Ordered refill of calcium, et. al.

Got a letter from HR and replied already. Her address is [redacted].

The roomies ripped the pants off of a hot guy from the unit in our room – mmmmm (it was a humorous thing, not a violent thing).

Bought a mug from P for 4 or 8 tokens – I think he said 8.

Sun, 17 Dec 2017 75/650

Listened to ‘On Being’ on NPR – first time I heard that show and was pretty interesting. The guest was a guy that wrote the introduction to “The Good Book” (which I gather was not the same “The Good Book” written by Peter Gomes). I liked this philosophy and style. Would like to find out who he is and read some of his work. Another clue: he writes for the New Yorker: children: Luke and Abigail. Then a lot on Puerto Rico. $300 million no bid contracts were given to a fake company in Montana: White-something. That has the hallmark of Trump corruption: incompetent and easily traced.

Funny things roomie E says: “feels a certain kind of way” and “attention span of a squirrel”

Pink slime chicken for lunch, cooking completeness may vary. Mystery meat (“cold cut”) sandwiches for dinner so I skipped it. In Nebraska a cold cut resembles the surface of the moon: horrid pock-marks and doesn’t sustain life. Ate instant soup and crackers in the room. Showered. Need to order a beard trimmer ASAP. Did a couple of chapters in the Statistics book (end of variability and spread and started probability) and read more of the The Prince.

Talked to mom on the phone. She and dad were at new place and they had finished the roof of the garage and she said they might get someone to do the shingling. They may get started on the house (foundation) this week!

Monday, 18 Dec 2017 76/649

FCC voted last week to cancel net neutrality. Corruption abounds. Andy Beshear of KY is suing (among others). Good. He gave a great interview on NPR. Big train derailment on I-5 in WA state. Power was out at ATL for 11 hours due to electrical fire. Tax plan favors large real-estate developers, like Donald rump and Bob Corker (4th wealthiest senator). Trump gets windfall benefits of lower maximum rate, better taxes for estates, and the real-estate loophole (pass-through income).

Got a letter from JH back already. Need to remember to call DP tomorrow and HR sometime this week.

Funny things roomie T says: “mkay… it’s your story. I’ll let you tell it”

Tuesday, 19 Dec 2017 77/648

Tax abomination likely to pass. Three people dead and 100+ injured.

More sporks rolled. More pizza eaten. Oh, MS, my one-time roommate at D&E is on J3B unit here. Talked to him briefly and loaned him a pair of socks until he gets his laundry tomorrow.

Finished “The Prince” and started reading “Democracy in America”. Called and talked to DP. He mentioned that his mom might be taking over his place in K and he staying at his old place. He offered to let me rent space at his place at parole if I was coming back to work there. I reminded him that I was involved in the project with my family, but if I couldn’t find full-time work near there, I might take him up on that.

Got a card from GJ/DJ last night and another from JH.

Wed, 20 Dec 2017 78/647

Property desk wasn’t really open at 8-9am as directed by the IIR. It was really 9:10am. After waiting in the freezing cold for 20 minutes, there was a form to fill out to return property and she said “no pen” when asked if there was a pen to use to fill it out. What a fucking bitch. Apparently books can be donated to the library as well. Doesn’t seem like she really substracted the earbuds from my property.

Breakfast was decent for once: sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich.

Will head to the library after lunch and see if they want the books & magazines.

Got a letter from DT last night. Will send her a Christmas card.

Submitted an IIR yesterday to Reentry to ask if they have help with applying/interviewing for professional jobs after a felony conviction and help keeping current with job skills while in this cesspool.

Just witnessed a hot 5-man gang bang in my cell. Mmmmmmm (not quite).

Thu 21 Dec 2017 79/646

Spent almost $85 on commissary today! Need to reduce spending. Sent Xmas cards to DT, and DJ/DJ. Got Xmas cards from aunt P and a letter from B.

Spork rolling is getting ridiculous. Actually the kitchen in general. We eat lunch at 2pm and then have to eat dinner at 3pm. Every meal tastes and smells like and adult video arcade after the cleaning or kind of like dishwater and diluted bleach. Even if I only eat a bit of it my stomach feels bloated and unpleasant and it tries to come poking out two hours later with a vengeance.

Then there is the theft. Prison as rehabilitation is a joke minus the humor. If someone wanted to learn how to be a criminal, now that is what a prison is for The officer in the kitchen practically milks you to ejaculation as he supposedly checks that you don’t have knives or food when you leave the job. Yet still people get entire blocks of meat and baskets of pastries out (last chance pastries donated by companies that need the write-off for stuff that was too far gone to donate to goodwill). My own cellmate has come back to the room with an entire side of roast beef, half a ham, onions, and peppers before and today – a pound of ground beef that he fried up in the kitchen! They’re doing something wrong.

Fri, 22 Dec 2017 80/645

OH, last night roomie got a verify nice tattoo from a guy in the unit .If it was for the risk of deadly infection, I would think about getting one here.

We didn’t get the much-promised tablets yesterday. Nebraskans aren’t much for truth or competence.

News week says the Russians are preparing for a major global or regional conflict by 2023.

Did spork rolling with S. Wow, he talks more about absolutely nothing than anyone I’ve met to date. 3.5 hours of mostly non-stop yapping. He’s almost as bad as the lead spork roller, M. Except his stories are slightly less boring and self-aggrandizing.

No letters today, but got a Time magazine.

Sat, 23 Dec 2017 81/644

Saw a kid on our unit get his apricots taken off his try by some douche-bag at lunch. He just sat there and kept eating like nothing happened, which was probably the best response as the guy and his tablemates looked like a rough bunch that would have no inhibitions about beating the holy hell out of someone. I mentioned it to my cellmates and they said the kid was a “chimo”. I guess that’s why the troglodytes thought it was ok to behave like a trump.

Library closed – goddammit. It’s like three days in a row. Wrote to B. Read the Time for Dec 25th. Interesting article on bacteriophages as a useful treatment for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They are viruses that eat one specific type of bacteria, but there are many of them and they act on different bacteria). The other interesting article was about 2018 being the year that polio is eradicated in humans (the only known carrier). There were only 16 cases in the world (all in Afghanistan and Pakistan).

Sun, 24 Dec 2017 82/643

Mailed the letter to B and some Time articles to mom. Had stew for breakfast and brown sugar toaster popups. The room is going to make hot pockets for dinner. T got caught trying to steal butter from the kitchen.

Some lady retranslated Homer’s Odyssey. Sounds like a good accessible translation. Emily Wilson, University of Pennsylvania, first woman to translate it.

This place is a prison.

Do or do not; there is no try.

Finished chapter in Statistics about probabilities (event probabilities, conditional probabilities of dependent events, independent probabilities, Law of Total Probability, and Bayes’ Theorem). Next chapter: discrete probability distributions.

Doesn’t feel one bit like Xmas. Burn in Hell, Susan Strong, you filthy whore.

Mon, 25 Dec 2017 83/642

Every time a urinal flushes, a Nebraskan gets her horns -Me

Merry fucking Christmas from Hell. JHC – listened to NPR and that cured my self-pity. The story of Christopher, the blue baby, who almost died on Christmas told by his brother on his 10th birthday.

Talked to mom and dad. Dad is going to shingle the roof on the garage since the contractors aren’t calling back fast enough. Been too cold for much work. Indian guy next door still excited about buying their old house. K came with some vodka. J had to work, but everyone else was there until 2:30. L passed out the gifts. They have a decorations already put away, but took them to the garage instead of hiking them upstairs.

Need to call mom again on Friday to order some more books.

Xmas lunch here was shoe leather with gravy, lettuce salad, a baked potato with butter and sour cream, broccoli casserole, and peach cobbler. It was edible/decent except for the shoe leather. Dinner was back to the usual trash: pock-marked mystery meat sandwich and dishwater soap. May Susan Strong burn in Hell.

Hopefully some good things might happen this week, like my TV arrives, a library job is offered, my book gets here, some letters/pictures, news that Susan Strong has choked to death on her own putrefied soul.

Tue, 26 Dec 2017 84/641

Sick grammar humor from NPR: “The only way you can ‘lay down’ is if you fuck a duck”.

The canteen may be trying to steal my money. They owe me $23.49 + tax from an overcharge. The called the CO here this morning to wake me up to go over and stand in the 0 degree weather for 45 minutes if I wanted the refund. Who knows what additional torture they might have had in mind after that.

Best grammar resources is the “Strunk and White Grammar Guide”. Duh.

FEMA Administrating Brock Long ” need to create a culture of preparedness” in the US. He admits climate change is real and natural disasters will get more frequent and more intense. A Republican is not supposed to acknowledge things that are more profitable ignored. The fool.

In prison, a “Caucasian” means someone who is white, but “acts black”. I tried to explain that was not the real meaning of the word, but they corrected that this is a prison-specific meaning for it.

Some drama on the unit today. Room B10 had to be closed down because someone tracked ink out of the room. It turns out someone had a bunch of tattoo ink. The other guys had to stay out for several hours while they searched all over the room. The owner of the ink was moved to K-unit.

Wed, 27 Dec 2017 85/640

Took the TABE test this morning; it was very easy. I finished all parts this morning. Also got a lower bunch pass – yeah!

Roomie P said he got me a job at the canteen; I just have to go fill out an application.

Why would I trust the state of Nebraska? The police have less respect for the Essential Liberty of a man as Adolf Hitler and the lawyers and judges have the honesty and integrity of a 1940s casino card game and the prison has as many criminals outside the bars as inside. [editor note: not sure what this was saying. transcribe as-is]

Got a bottom bunk pass, but I caused some unpleasantness. The afternoon CO Charlin made the situation as miserable as possible by making the roomies choose in front of me who would lose their bottom bunk. It was very uncomfortable. Roomie T ended up giving up his and we moved tonight before bed.

Got a card from TJ.

Thu, 28 Dec 2017 86/639

Quis custodes custodiet? Today in the lunchroom the officers found where someone had hidden two of the stale, donated muffins in a chair out in the cafeteria. They took them and made a snide comment about thieving inmates. They didn’t see the irony that they, six COs, were stealing their own lunches as they laughed. The CO-thieves not paying for their barely warm breakfast burritos: kitchen-CO Joe, kitchen-CO Foster, rapist-CO Dermity, and a big guy with thick beard (very fat belly), attractive blond female that walks at a 135-degree angle, and a younger clean-shaven male CO. None of them paid for their meal, as the inmate didn’t pay or have authorization to eat the moldy Panera(?) muffins.

We got our phone tablets today. I also got my TV! And watch and tennis shoes.

Newsweek arrived.

Late last night, someone from B6 was removed from the unit. Found out today it was another tattoo artist. They’re cracking down on tattoo stuff: second one in a week.

My job in the kitchen was changed from spork roller to cups and trays and days off from S/S to F/Su.

Fri, 29 Dec 2017 87/638

Got a letter from BJ. Called mom; tried the tablet twice, but she couldn’t hear me either time even thought I could hear her. Called on the regular phone. GTE is another parasite on society; feeding off the misery of those enslaved here.

They were at KCs playing pinochle. She ordered three books: SVG Essentials, Hamlet (Folder Edition – those are the best!), and a collection of Agatha Christie stories.

I ordered three new direct order items: sweat pants, beard trimmer, and good pair of shower shoes.

I got invested in the unit’s fight with prison over the bathroom during count issue. I had roomie P call the NE Ombudsman to get a copy of the original grievance response. The Ombudsman, Anthony Kay, wouldn’t give us the emailed response from Scott Frakes. I told him we’d get an FOIA request for it. For now we just wanted our documents back.

I helped P create an IIR requesting a bedpan from medical. It was pretty funny.

I’m working on a letter to the National ACLU, CNN, and maybe local news.

Sat, 30 Dec 2017 88/637

Changed to lunch shift and trays/cups manager. I saw about 12 COs eating the prisoners’ food. I saw one female CO (on the chunky side, but not Sally-chunky) go in the behind the counter and sign the clipboard. I believe that means she was the only one to pay. Tried to see what was on the clipboard, but could only see it had a grid with sub-columns for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Needs more investigation. CO Foster was in charge or the other skinny, white-shirt older Caucasian guy; 1 female CO who said she was from medical (and so needed a carry-out tray for herself) and the rest were various white male “yard” COs. Oh – one other white female CO with small-framed glasses.

OMG…. I just shit myself on accident. Cleared the cell out.

Sun, 31 Dec 2017 89/636

Watching “Breaking Bad” marathon on AMC. Replied to BJ and TJ cards and letters. Need to find out about the special visit process to reply to mom’s letter.

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