Federal Judges Break the Law: No Punishment will be Forthcoming

Federal Judges Break the Law: No Punishment will be Forthcoming
Judge J. Rodney Gilsap: The Most Crooked Federal Judge

Federal judges who send people to American concentration camps for draconian sentences for choosing what to put into their own bodies for recreational drugs, a crime with no victims, have been found to have violated the law against conflicts of interest. Some of them have admitted it and with excuses, like was their “staff’s fault” or a “computer error” by some program that isn’t responsible for their legal obligations or “it’s OK that I broken the law because the stocks lost money anyway”. It’s funny (in a non-humous way) that these judges give excuses like these, but never accept them from the poor or middle class defendants who appear in their court rooms. For those alleged law breakers we get principles like: “ignorance of the law is no excuse” and “zero tolerance”. For platinum card holders, like these judges, we get “too rich to be expected to keep track of all their stocks”. [efn_note]Dangor, Graison[/efn_note]

Laws and punishments do not apply to the wealth and well-connected (aka “platinum justice” card holders).

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