12 February 2019 – Tuesday
Had a dentist appointment at 0645 this morning. Left the kitchen at 630, left for D&E, got naked for the Nebraska perverts, and then we were told that the quack-dentist had called in sick. That’s the second time (2/2) the D&E dentist didn’t see us as scheduled. When I first got to D&E, I was supposed to see the dentist and they “ran out of time”. Ravenhorst said “we’ll get you later” and then naturally as a lazy, incompetent Nebraskan, he didn’t.
The non-working members of the room were bitching that I made too much noise closing my locker door. They, who make plenty of noise while I’m sleeping. Fuck them. the locker is bent and makes more noise than the others. I put in a work order for it.
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