5 February 2019 – Tuesday

5 February 2019 – Tuesday

495 down, 235 to go.

Burn in Hell, Nebraskans; most of all, Whore Susan Strong. Joe was really kissing ass of Belinda today. I was embarrassed for him.

The personal pass to mom and dad’s Holiday Inn was denied. The four-hour pass doesn’t allow home or hotel visits. So I redid the pass request for Golden Coral and Barnes and Noble. Mom and dad will get a kick out of that as they know what I think of Golden Coral, but the prison intelligence service says that it’s the best place for a longer visit. Fuck the obnoxious soulless State of Nebraska.

I decided to add a new mental health objective: “let some things go”. I came back from canteen all pissed off that several people cut in line or would delay the line while they ordered for other people across the room. I felt like writing a kite to the canteen manager, but I need to just let this one go. It doesn’t make sense to fight so many battles and ultimately there is no winning; in the end, they’ll still be nebraskan.

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