They have the heat cranked up to an unbearable temperature. Starting around 12a-1a it got to be like a sauna. It was impossible to sleep. The room was crabby. When I got up at 3:30 to go to work, I slammed the locker lightly as usual. The black guy in DU and Chewie mumbled and grumbled. The black guy got even more aggressive when I came back to the room to drop off my toothbrush and toothpaste. He said something like “I’m not going to be woken up by that every morning.” I replied that if he had some other ideas to let me know. When I came back later in the day, he didn’t say any more about it. I put in a maintenance request too as this locker is a little noisier than the old one.
The kitchen is toxic. The state staff is attacking itself. The ugly (personality and face-wise) kitchen manager (Belinda) yells at the other employees over stupid shit that she should have come to accept in a prison. Or if she can’t accept it, then do something productive about it – like fire the known thieves, for example. They catch a thief in the kitchen and put them right back to work. The guy Jesse Wallace was caught by her with three prices of chicken in his pockets and they promoted him from dishwasher to assistant cook.
They had a fire drill on the coldest fucking day ever. It’s like -12 degrees in Lincoln and they call a drill. The weather channel warns 30 minutes outside yields frostbite. But the depravity of the State of the Nebraska knows no bounds.
Watched “Lars and the Real Girl” again on This!Omaha. I forgot how adorable that movie is. I remember watching it with HS in Cincinnati when it first came out.
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