28 January 2019 – Monday
Title: “Terrible People”. Nebraskans are all authoritarian followers. They are quite two-faced. They lack common sense.
Oh, can’t remember if I already wrote down this idea. I was thinking of sending a note to see if I could pay the state $1.21 to not work in the kitchen. That would be a funny social experiment.
The case manager (Donovan) was here today with the door actually open for communication. Found that they did in fact “lose” my Dec 10 work release application. God damn stupid-fucking incompetent and sadistic Nebraskans. I filled out a second application and handed it directly to her 10 minutes later. I also asked her about exceptions to male/female lockout days. She was unwilling to budge on that issue. However, she did say that I was eligible for a furlough, but that it required 45 days of notice because it had to go through the parole board. She did say that I might be able to get an extended pass. She would check with the warden on that.
Watching Nebraska legislature. I really like Ernie Chambers. They were debating whether women were doing/involved enough. The female senator was Kavanaugh.
It’s extremely cold here in this Hellish wasteland and wind up to 70mph. The weather here is a metaphor for a Nebraskan’s soul: a frozen and empty wasteland.
Maria caught me at lunch time and said that starting next week, I’d move to Wed/Thu as days off. Hopefully only for a couple of weeks.
Book title: Dirty Rotten Nebraskans.
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