Prison Journal: 18 January 2019 – Friday

Prison Journal: 18 January 2019 – Friday

477 down; 253 to go.

CBS and NBC calling teen vaping an epidemic. What a bunch of liars and busy-bodies. Leave people the fuck alone. I’m so tired of busy-bodies and bullshitters trying to control how everyone else gets through the day. What if we started calling coffee an epidemic? Food-eating is an epidemic. Breathing is an epidemic. Right after that, they (NBC) had a segment, “Do you have a tech addiction”. The constitution says “promote the general welfare” not “control and dictate general welfare”. We’re welcoming the shift to fascism by inviting someone else to make our decisions for us (the media, militarized police, busy-body experts, politicians).

The kitchen sucks as ever. A lot of standing around and pretending to be busy mixed in with repetitive tasks and busy work. The 25th is coming up – need to decide what to do about changing jobs. I would stay until work release if it wasn’t for how hard the grunt work is on my injured back. Ugh… not sure.

Oh, Irony of ironies… just saw a commercial for saying maybe people aren’t as smart as they think they are. That org needs to be careful… people may begin to realize they’re being scammed by the government and mainstream media too, like the “vaping epidemic” bullshit this morning.

Nebraskans are the worst people on the face of the Earth. Fake and inhuman. I can’t say I’ve hated any group or individual as much as I hate Nebraskans. Especially the vile cunt, Susan Strong, judge without judgment.

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