Prison Journal: 13 January 2019 – Sunday

Prison Journal: 13 January 2019 – Sunday

472 down, 258 to go

Was hard to get out of bed at 3:40 this morning as the blanket, as thin and rough as sandpaper as it is, was warm compared to the freezing cold room. It was as cold as a Nebraskan’s soul outside. Jody was in the kitchen – I’m starting to like her a bit more because she really keeps on the lazy and thieving people in here. I told Perlman (who is a big-time thief) the story of her catching Jordan stealing French toast from across the kitchen. She appeared out of nowhere and caught him – I loved it.

If forced to, there is one good thing I could say about Nebraskans: that have good public television. That’s all gone now. They’ve been offline for the past two days and now I’ve missed Downton Abbey. The one good thing is gone and all you have left is a bunch of soul-less authoritarian-followers and their Sodom-like inhospitality, their overwhelming fear, their dirty air, and their shit-smelling water.

Nebraska is a one-issue state in local politics: lower property taxes. If a politician doesn’t participate in that lower-taxes off-shot of trickle-down faux-Christofascist-Capitalism, they don’t get far. All legislative sessions resolve around lower taxes for property. Income taxes and sales taxes – no problem. They do not care about their state milking urban and professional constituents for revenue, but their rural-skewed legislature wants low taxes for their rural communities. The rural communities are also the most fearful of life and thus the ones that push for the draconian criminalization of things urban dwellers are more likely to be interested in, all the while chanting and praying to their God Mammon, “small government” and “less regulation” when it comes to rural vices. If you’re caught drinking and driving in the country, they can’t even arrest you – even if there is some accident. It’s legal to drink and drive on country back-roads. Anywhere else – prison time.

Remember that old commercial from the late 80s or early 90s of the hippies trying to sell either 70s music or Woodstock music and the one hippie tells the other “Tyurn it upp myannnn”. Try to find that commercial on Youtube later.

Some favorite movies/movie sayings: “As Good as it Gets” (Nicholson, Kinnear, Hunt); Battlestar Gallactica (“so say we all”, “all this has happened before and all this will happen again”); Game of Thrones (“it is known” and “winter is coming”); that one movie with Danny McBride and James Franco (“playful kisses”); Princess Bride; Moulin Rouge.

Someone in Aaron Ray’s room across the hall just got rolled up for having a K2 episode. Stupid asses. I hope it was Erik Kluthe and not the beautiful red-headed kid.

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