Prison Journal: 12 January 2019 – Saturday
471 down, 259 to go
My feet hurt like crazy again today, but maybe not as bad as Thursday. Hard to say for sure. 67th week is completed. 37 weeks left to go.
Perlman was especially lazy today. That’s probably the way it’ll be up to the end.
Nebraska legislative session topic is closing a loophole that allows slavery for those convicted of a crime. I wonder if they’re going to address that it’s still slavery even if you throw pennies at the slaves.
Book title idea (or maybe just a chapter title): The Nebraska slave trade. Hmmmm.. probably just a chapter title. Might be hard to make a full book support that thesis. Or… would it… The “modern day slave trade” need not produce all or most of its revenue from the output of the slaves directly; for the extorting of money from their family and friends for basic needs that they also charge taxpayers for, and for the milking of taxpayers for alleged corrective services provided in so-called corrections centers that are not provided at all or are provided at such a poor quality because no one cares are just as odious to a free society. The money bilked from taxpayers for salaries of some of society otherwise unemployables (morbidly obese, emotional-disturbed or severe personality disorders (like Kelsey Charrlin), violent and rapists (Officer Duffy from OCC, Cpl. Dermody from OCC) or direct payments to outside consultants and organizations (like the prison industries).
Then there’s the money from friends and family of the slave-hostages spend to make sure the hostage has nutrients and hygiene essentials and the ability to write or telephone the outside world, which goes to parasitic companies like GTL, JPay, Keefe, etc. Note: find a complete list of these and start publishing and shaming these places and people, if they are capable of it. These companies give kickbacks to state officials for the lucrative contracts – need to find the trail. No doubt they are smart enough not for direct payments, but are several steps away… somebody buys a pallet of someone’s wife’s or son’s or daughter’s book – and then two other steps after that it’s in the right pocket. I know I will find that’s the case for the Dishonorable Susan Strong and I will start on the trail as soon as I’m out and able to afford to do the research.
“You’re doing too much”. Coin “socially-hobbled”. The Chinese hobbled its women in order to keep them subservient and dependent on their husbands. Americans used to hobble their African slaves as a punishment for attempted escapes. Americans also hobbled their woman and homosexuals by shoving a surgical instrument through their nasal cavity and scraping away the part of their brain that gave them free will. Modern African cultures hobble their woman sexually through genital mutilation ensuring they maintain control over their women. Nebraskans hobble people who don’t fall within their narrow view of acceptable cultural norms through enthusiastic incarceration. In the olden days, oppressors had to physically hobble their victims because the lack of connectedness of societies mean that if their victims could get away physically, they might actually get away and be able to live a normal life away from their oppressor. Nowadays they can hobble their victim administratively simply by marking their victim’s “permanent record” with the 21st century Scarlett Letter: a prison record.
Mom’s brother TT had a massive heart attack and died. There will be no funeral – he just wanted to be cremated. Mom said TTJ, his son, was taking it really hard.
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