Prison Journal: 10 January 2019 – Thursday
469 down, 261 to go
The kitchen is getting on my last nerve today. They’re piling on busy work while I’m still busting my ass with the real work. I got crabby a couple times with Linda about that, but not sure she picked up on it. I need out of there.
Tried to ask Dufus Wingate how my work release application was coming along, but he just said “I’m sure you’ll come up soon.” He did ask my name before giving that reflex response so my guess is that he just mentally compared it to today’s posting and realizing it was not on it, gave the brush-off answer. God damn douchebag Nebraskans. May they all rot in Hell, but especially Whore Susan.
Aaron is taking chances for everyone in the room by bringing cocaine in and then inviting his friends in one by one to do lines with him. God I hate people. I am going to be a full-blown misanthrope by the time I leave this place.
Fuck Nebraska and it’s degenerate citizens. The hatred is overflowing.
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