Prison Journal: 09 January 2019 – Wednesday
468 down, 262 to go
Rod Rosenstein resigns. Seems like bad news for getting accountability for Dumpster-Fire. But we will have to see.
Asshole Drew just told me he got out of the kitchen and into an admin porter job for the 15-min a day of work that is far more inline with his laziness and capabilities. At least that mentally-unbalanced piece of shit is out of my hair.
I did something to my foot. It had been hurting lately already from work after a year of atrophy laying in bed at OCC and stress of abuse in the kitchen, so I even bought insoles for the state shoes to help with support. But this morning I was walking back from the common room and as I entered the cell, I felt the right side of my foot feel like it was being plucked like a guitar string. Then I was in pain every time I stepped on that foot. Even after two acetaminophen, it’s still quite a bit of pain.
Got a letter from BH last night. That was a nice treat. I wish I had gotten a reply from that recruiter – I guess that douchebag is not going to reply. If there is no reply today, I must assume that he does not plan to reply and I think I’ll check with TH about contacting a recruiter on the outside.
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