Prison Journal: 07 January 2019 – Monday

Prison Journal: 07 January 2019 – Monday
Many times we were terrorized at 5am and taken in chains to a toilet and forced to produce urine for the Warden.

466 down, 264 to go

Only 24 scaramuccis remaining. The kitchen was nice this morning without Erik, Drew, Andrew, or Moody. It was actually pleasant. Got complimented by Joe in front of [Kitchen Guard] Belinda. She is such an ugly person; outside, but far more importantly inside. She acts nice, but she didn’t lift one morbidly obese finger to help me while I was being threatened with violence for implementing her pogram of starving adult men doing grueling work for the State of Nebraska with meals that a child couldn’t live off of.

No Case Manager has been here for over three weeks. I wonder if he quit. God damn the State of Nebraska and the evil whore Susan Strong.

Got a reply from [Guard] Dorton. He said I’m on a list to go tot he DMV and I’d ben “hearing from him soon.” I sure hope it’s on a workday so I can get some rest from this back-breaking kitchen. It’s not complicated or difficult or too-much work, just too much for one 40-something overweight man on his own.

We had a room search again after 830am count. I left for work while they were still sniffing our underwear. I wonder why they picked our room. I’ve been here almost two months and haven’t seen any rooms searched until just now. I asked Aaron after why he thought we got picked. He thought it might have been because he told Cpl. Wilhelm to “get out” when she came in to do count. I heard it when it happened, but I thought they just had that kind of working-dysfunctional banter relationship with each other. I guess not; now that I know that I’d say that’s definitely why we were picked. I guess they’re just as petty here as at OCC and the inmates every bit as stupid. Well, maybe not…. it seems like maybe they only rifled through his stuff and bunk – so maybe they’re a bit more discerning with their spite than Charrlin and that fat dumbo, Pat at OCC.

I just noticed the slogan for MeTV is “MeTV is comfortable TV”. That’s apropos for Nebraska: a station showing old reruns of the days when old white men were in charge, women were subservient, black people were not “uppity” and a rare sideshow, and gays/lesbians/athiests/Muslims were just murdered on site without comment. Like: Rifleman, Bonanza, Stagecoach. That’s “comfortable” for Nebraskans.

I guess I got a raise to $2.25 per day this morning. I didn’t catch it earlier this morning, but that’s what Joe said happened.

“Biggie” from our room had a rough day. Apparently he might be a child molester. Aaron said that he got called out by some girl in one of their classes as a child molester. She supposedly “looked him up”. Then Aaron told me a similar story to the one that roommate Dan told about Biggie and Jordan exchanging oral sex at NSP; only in Aaron’s version it was not consensual for Jordan.

Speaking of non-consensual, I was injured during my slave duties in the kitchen. I was forced to scrub years of layered packing tape off of a stainless steel table (ground-level shelf) with a dull scraper and some steel wool. A piece of steel wool (one strand) got caught in a crease/groove/joint of the table, but only long enough for it to stretch the strand into a garrote and then it release across my fingers and lacerated three of them. Two of the finger wounds were a millimeter or so deep, but one went way into the finger near the index finger fingernail. It bled a lot. I showed it to Walraven so I could get some band-aids. Joe saw it too. I’m mostly worried about infection because the steel woold had been used to clean up old nasty food and shit on the bottom of the shelf. I’ll try to get some kind of anti-bacterial cream tomorrow at canteen. Lord know that completely useless bitch, Ina Thiel will not hike her fat ass out of the chair to help do actual health care for me. She’s too busy working on her corporal exam.

Just finished “A History: China” (Leay). Great book. So dense with detail and yet also a compelling narrative of the longest-running civilization. Love it. Hope I can retain even a twentieth of the information.

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