Prison Journal: 06 January 2019 – Sunday
465 down, 265 to go
Just calculated: when I have 486 days done, I’ll have completed twice as many days as I have left. 21 days until that algebraic milestone.
I’ve started saying “fuck it” a lot just for the fun of it and it’s kind of cathartic too – even when I say it only for purposes of the joy it brings. I should stop, though. I don’t want it to be part of my everyday speech. Oh, fuck it.
Good news about the kitchen. The douche-bag Andrew Sucknickle is leavint the kitchen and going to road crew. Also, Erik the asshat (and super-thief) is leaving too. Hallelujah. Now if only Drew would leave too; things would be so much better. Moody is going to work release too – yahoo!
The inmate lunch today was shorted two cases of chicken. The recipe called for four cases (and the per-person allotment of calories), but there were only two cases in the freezer so they just made it with half was much chicken. I got like one chunk of chicken in mine. They should have called it corn starch gravy over noodles instead of “chicken over noodles.” I hope that I will be able to see all the Nebraskans burning in Hell for the concentration camp torture they have created here – especially their queen Whore Susan.
Check out a weight loss/health product called Goho. It supposedly helps return hormone balance to the body and thus improves health and weight management(better than nutrient restriction).
I remember when I first got to DEC, I went through the weird loss of sense of time. The whole time I spent in that hole was about 8 – 9 weeks, but even halfway through, I would be thinking “how many Saturdays have I been here”, and “how many Sundays have I been here”. It was probably only 3 – 4 – 5 at that time, but my brain was couldn’t fathom if it was 3 -4 or 50. It’s not right: it’s better to execute someone if you’ve written them off to this torture. It was a surreal loss of realistic passage of time: nothing to anchor to because every minute is endlessly the same as every other minute. It was shortly after that that I began keeping a calendar with hashmarks and shortly after that journals with unique entries to try and help maintain rational anchoring of myself in time.
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