Friday, 4 January 2019
[463 + 267]
Bart Whitaker killed his mother, brother, and tried to kill his father. He was sentenced to death and set for Feb 2018, but was granted clemency. wtf. But interesting is that the victim’s family got a say when their message was one of violence and revenge, but they have no input when it’s a request for leniency. Oh, his father who was a target of his, was requesting commutation to life w/o parole.
Did cook’s assistant work this morning: prepped fritters and corn dogs, etc. Andrew was hanging around and talking more sexual innuendo. Oh, he also said that adorable-but-dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks Jordan got kicked back to D&E for smoking K2. What a dipshit.
CBS had a segment on The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Thanks Baby Boomers! There have been so many monuments given to the world by past generations. The Baby Boomers gave the world/country a full-looted Social Security fund, a ruined democracy/republic, an out-of-control and over-militarized police force, and The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Need to work on this as a thesis a bit.
Three trucks came in today. My whole body aches. Took long nap after a shower. Skipping shitty-ass fish dinner. Note to self: get an info sheet on the item #, manufacturer names, etc. on the fish. I want to include the % of actual fish meat to grease & breading ratio in the book.
The story about Jordan was a lie – like pretty much everything that comes out of Andrew’s mouth. I saw dumb-ass Jordan half-dressed advertising his ass on the yard earlier.
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