Thursday, 3 January 2019

462 down, 268 to go

Blah, blah, blah.

Had three emails when I got up this morning; one from JH, TF, and TH. TH just wanted to reschedule the call from yesterday.

Kitchen was good today. One interesting thing: asshole Erik came back to the store room to say something nasty about homosexuals. Then he let slip that some of them were “waving around condoms” and having orgies in the shower. That was oddly specific so I broke by “ignore him” stance and inquired what he was talking about. He said that the red-headed kid with cowboy boots had been “getting around”. All I can say is “yum”. I want some of that. haha.

CBS had on Dr. Trasande who just wrote “Sicker, Fatter, Poorer” about how we’re exposed to too many hormone-disrupting chemicals. Four major sources: pesticides, phthalates, BPA, and flame retardants.

CBS also had a segment on the White Sands Monument in New Mexico. They are apparently applying for National Park status. Anyway, it is a beautiful place – I want to include it on my trip to New Mexico.

On the way out of the kitchen, Linda said “good job today. really good job.” I resisted the temptation to say “It just seemed like that because Nebraskans have low standards for work performance”, but just said “thanks” and continued walking away. Like I need reassurance from my captor that I have a good work ethic. The only thing is that my back is killing me. I need to figure out how to do that job without killing my back.

Automobiles have become a constitution-free zone where police can use any authoritarian tactic they want. Instead of searching for the dangerous and violent using detective work, they stop people on the street randomly looking for them. This punished all manner of innocent and non-violent citizens and subjects them to the dangers of poorly-trained police who treat everyone as if they are this worst-case scenario. The result is injustice. Sometimes that injustice takes the form of an officer nearly-paralyzed by fear, masturbatorially-ejaculating bullets into a Black man who properly disclosed his legal, hidden weapon, but made the mistake of following the officer’s muddled directions to pull out his identification.

Book title idea: Tales from the Land of Law without Justice: Nebraska Edition.

It seems that promotion to work release may be a bunch of bullshit, at least the supposed 30 days of Detail is certainly a total lie. It’s really an indeterminate length of time while they use us for slave labor.

A Hastings man slammed a brick into another man’s head was sentenced today to 3 to 5 years. That’s less time that I got for consensual drug use in the privacy of my own home. Justice is certainly dead.

Back to work release: I hope it’s just my pessimism and UCW Lauren’s laziness about looking up my application status. She said I need to wait longer. Lazy bitch Goring to check again in a week. I’ll try Wingate and see if he’s any more ambitious that this whore.

God damn Nebraska and God damn the miserable bitch, the Dishonorable Susan Strong. May she and her miserable family suffer a painful pox as destructive to her life as the inhumane devastation that she easily unleashes on others.

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