Prison Journal: November 2018

Prison Journal: November 2018
Ina Thiel, Fake Nurse. Interned with Dr Josef Mengele. She likes to "educate inmates on accountability" (not provide medical care)

Thu, 1 Nov 2018 [399 + 331]

The beginning of the 14th month of this horror show called Nebraska. As of 2pm no word on moving to CCCO, so I guess that’s a wrap for this week. Hopefully next week is it.

Went to the library to submit requests for November, but the October ones still haven’t been sent, so I had to pick new ones as old ones, not both. So I had her resubmit the books from last month.

Rotten bitch Charrlin will be here this afternoon. Greaaat.

JH really pissed me off this morning. He started playing his goddamn TV on blast mode on some stupid channel while I was trying to sleep. I can’t wait until one of us goes. He’s so fucking inconsiderate most of the time. I think he’s worse than that guy Ch. Well… maybe that’s going a bit too far.

Turned in special visit request form for mom and dad’s visit. Dates: 11/22 to 11/24.

Just remembered M/M from Seattle. That was some hot sex. I wonder what he is up to now. I might try to contact him when I get out of here to see if he wants to meet up again. So Hot.

Fri, 2 Nov 2018 [400 + 330]

400th day – only 330 to go in this cesspool of authoritarianism and anti-Christianity. Only 33 scaramuccis left.

I got a pass to the dentist for 815am. If they say anything about not going I’m going to say “I’m not letting that quack operate on me.” The dentist didn’t even ask me if I wanted him to work on me. He barely said anything to me. He was too preoccupied with conversing with the pretty young dental hygienist, who he coaxed out of that she lived and went to school in Maryland and only moved here because her dad got a job a Wentworth’s or something like that. He tried to found out if she was married and had kids but she didn’t reveal it to the old perv. I’m trying to think if he ever even said a single word to me, but I can’t recall it. I think he made some round-about acknowledgement of my existence after he found no cavities by looking at the X-ray, but even that was mostly for the benefit of flirting with the hygienist. Anyway after my bunkmate spent 4-5 days rolling around in his bunk in severe pain from an infection when these barbarians pulled one of his teeth, there’s no chance I’d let them do that to me.

I didn’t do my phone cleaning job today. Fuck Nebraska. That’s how I feel today.

Got a letter from Nebraska yesterday saying that I had accumulated 3 days of LB191 credit and my final release date is moved up to 09/25/2020. Fuck Nebraska.

Also got a letter and pictures from mom last night. Called and talked to them too. I submitted a visit request form to Ellinger’s door last night.

The movie today was “Solo” from Star Wars. I stopped 2/3 of the way through to have the dinner here, which was a patty melt and steak fries. They sounded a lot better than they were. I ate at the table with the hot light-skinned guy from SAU (the one that kind of looks like that singer who is the son or somehow connected to the Jeffersons) and then Cz from the UNO class came hear the end.

Finished reading the “Age of Enlightenment” in 12 Great Philosophers. Also finished Chapter 3 in Java 8 Lambdas and the exercises in it.

JH and DK call UCW Porshet an “Uncle Tom” because he is from their neighborhood and won’t risk his job and freedom to carry drugs into the prison for them. JH said he and T were smoking marijuana in a parking lot that he was a security guard at when Porshet approached them. They brandished a gun and he backed off, saying “whoa, I have kids, a family” and then turned and left.

Sat, 3 Nov 2018 [401 + 329]

Another week done – week #57. A new cough to start the week out. Seems like on one week and off the next week. Nasty air in Nebraska. Speaking of health problems caused by this filthy state with filthy citizens – had diarrhea since Friday. It came on after the biscuits and gravy for breakfast.

More drama caused by the biggest drama queen I’ve ever encountered outside of gay circles: JH. Around 15-20min until 11amcount, JH comes in the room and announces there is a “rat in the room”. He asks DK to come out of the room so they can discuss it, but in such a way that we were supposed to be “in suspense”. Fucking children. They came back in and repeated the drama starter kit, but said we’d need to wait until the rest of the room was here at count to discuss. At count, JH says (after more melodrama) that DR told some officer that someone in our room had been “fucking with him [DR]”. There was no recognition that it was true and that it was JH himself that is the most abusive of DR, including dropping things into his nose while he’s asleep and intentionally making noise while he has to work the next morning. DR denied that he had complained to anyone. JH said that then he (DR) needed to “pull up on PC” (who made the accusation of snitching) and “handle it”. If he didn’t, the room would think it was true and he’d need to send a kite that he wasn’t allowed to live in the room anymore. They spent the rest of the count talking to DR about fighting PC over the accusation.

When I came back from lunch, they had been stirring up this fight across the whole unit (JH, DK, RP, MJ-12, J-12) and taking bets on who would win. They said they needed to wait until Charrlin was gone. They continued hyping DR up, who was all-in an excited about the fight at this point, including snorting coffee. Yes, he snorted coffee and was huffing and puffing around the room like a pudgy, dumpy Rocky. I assumed it wasn’t really going to happen since both participants are border-line retarded and they kept delaying it. I took a nap, but was awoken about 130,145 when those two dumbasses from room 12 came into our room and started stirring things up more. They are so loud and obnoxious I couldn’t sleep. I watched TV and eventually our room cleared out DR, fat J (I think he was sleeping or not there at all), RP, DK, and me. Around 205pm PC comes running into the room while DR is staring out the window. PC suck-slams DR and then somehow pulls him down onto the floor. DR’s head bounces off the tile, audibly, and PC punches him again in the lower jaw. At this point I was pissed and yelled “you stupid son of a bitches” and stomped out of the room. I went and checked my mail and then sat watching foozball on the TV waiting for the battle of the witless twits to end. The instigators and gawkers blocked the view so I’m not sure when it ended, but eventually went back in.

God damn, I hate this stupid fucking state. It’s packed with degenerates from one end of the state to the other.

Now the original instigators are acting like if they had known this was going on, they would have helped DR because apparently at one point PC was kicking DR after he was down and non-responsive. WHAT?!?! They are so full of shit. I think they might even believe their own bullshit, which is doubly-pathetic of them. It’s hard to tell for sure. I doubt either of those two easily-led gomers would have given each other the slightest thought if it hadn’t been setup first by JH, DK, and RP solely for their own entertainment and secondly by those baboons from Room 12 for their own gambling income.

Wonder what tomorrow’ drama-fast will be? I can’t wait for JH to be moved to SAU or I get to CCCO, whichever comes first.

Sun, 4 Nov 2018 [402 + 328]

Two days to election day. Need to write my UNO response today. Some people are leaving for CCCO tomorrow. Fuck it, Not me. God damn Nebraska. Finished Crime and Punishment this morning. It does make me want to be a less miserable person than Raskolnikov to friends and family, thought I hope I was never as bad as he was. Interesting book, though. I think it has some parallels to my own situation and other parts which do not really seem to apply. I think it’s true that a lot of people here feel entitled to have committed their real crimes, though without the capability to mold that sense of entitlement into a formal theory of some men being better than others and worthy of ignoring certain constraints of society’s rules to make sure they are able to deliver their superior contribution. It doesn’t address the set of laws that have no victims (consensual drug use) or have no basis in violating fair access to society’s primary goods. Is my believe that I’m entitled to commit this so-called crime (of choosing what to put into my own body) just as arrogant and elitist as Raskolnikov’s belief that he’s entitled to commit a murder?

Feeling anxious and frustrated at still being in this cesspool of stupid asses. I really hope I get transferred this week.

Mon, 5 Nov 2018 [403 + 327]

Still at this fucking shithole, OCC.

Finished the response #7 shortly after lunch. I think it is a masterpiece about whether I think the American Dream is possible for me. Got my first paper back. Got an A on it and he commented that it is “a smart, sophisticated argument that addresses some of the lesser-known issues of collective welfare and public good”. Yeah, baby… yeahhh. Also got my response #6 back with a 50/50 and the comment “I learn something new each time I read your work and enjoy your excellent turns of phrase.” I like the class especially when the instructor feeds my ego compliments like that! haha.

Tue, 6 Nov 2018 [404 +326]

Oh, last night I tried to call TH, but no answer (about 812pm). Also, at class last night JK said that two people came back from work release. Yah! I have to wish against other people, but what I can say. I want out of this shithole and apparently they didn’t want to keep their spot quite as much.

Election Day! I hope for the civic health of the nation, some good people get elected. Enough rat bastards like Ted Cruz and Pete Ricketts. ND and MI are voting on recreational marijuana and MO and UT are voting on medicinal marijuana.

Ordering a very small canteen order as I hope that I will be going to work release this week or next. For the love of God, please.

Wed, 7 Nov 2018 [405 + 325]

Mixed, but mostly good news from the election. Democrats retake the House and Elijah Cummins announces that oversight will start happening. Trump quickly threatens that if they do, he will have the FBI investigate them for leaks.

Nebraska is such a dumpster fire. I hate this state more than ever. But I recall my objective of being only academic in such criticisms, so I’ll drop that line of commentary right there.

Florida voters grant felons who have completed their sentence the right to vote gain. Good job, Florida, for that at least. NO work about the four states with marijuana ballot issues.

UCW Benjamin was engaged in a yell-fest with someone at 630ish this morning. Probably with some stupid donkey. He (Benjamin) is probably among the most humane state employees in Nebraska – practically a real human being.

DR was called to PHO office today. We all wondered why as he hadn’t mentioned any write-ups. It turns out that it was because they wanted to ask about the report that I had submitted about the crazy and abusive actions of Officer Duffy a few weeks back.

Got a letter from the Midwest Innocence Project. They said they don’t have resources to help people with less than 10 years on their sentence. Fuck.

Talked to mom and dad. Bad news on the Internet/cable. They found out that Spectrum had lied to them about availability of service in that area. Plan B will be to see if WM can put out two radios or not.

Thu, 8 Nov 2018 [406 + 324]

No word about work release yet today. Fuck Nebraska and Whore Strong.

23 dead in college student club in Thousand Oaks, CA. Former US Marine is shooter. More guns!! Jeff Sessions is fired yesterday – good riddance. It certainly bodes will for law and order, though, since he was punished and replaced for doing exactly what was required by law. This country is a raging dumpster fire.

Ruth Ginsburg falls and breaks three ribs. God Bless her. I wish her the speediest of recovery for her own sake and for the sake of what’s left of this shithole. She is saying she still has a few years on her of work. Amazing. Shameful that the country can’t let her enjoy/rest in her later years, but if she still loves her work…

Talked to DP. He asked about when mom & dad would be ready to have them come out and work on the networking. I said I’d get an update soon. He mentioned there is a D&D game park in Iowa. That sounds interesting – even if it’s in Iowa. It was his and JG’s anniversary in October. I forgot to send a card. I need to add that to my calendar.

Another day and no goddamn transfer to CCCO. What the fuck!?!? Nebraska is full of authoritarian-followers. The frustration is mounting. I think it may turn into despair after not too-much longer.

Fri, 9 Nov 2018 [407 + 323]

Sociopath was playing his TV on blast until 2am. I yelled “this is crazy” and he finally shut it off. Fuck Nebraska. Fucking angry and spiteful. This is going to be a bad day.

Yesterday, JH said that he and two other retards had “the keys to the unit” meaning that they were responsible for what happens and what new inmates were allowed to come in and generally in charge. Good god… what narcissists and obnoxious ones at that. I’m getting closer to declaring my personality model of people: (1) the very immature (of intelligence & EQ), (2) the very narcissistic/self-above-all-else (strong manipulators and control-obsessed), and (3) average or normal development as a human (the innocent, the barely guilty, the single mistake-makers).

Type 2 might better named the “violence/controllers”. They are highly manipulative often. They are enthusiastic in seeking violence in their interactions and talk a lot about previous violent encounters and hypothetical or planned violence in the future. Whether as a form of verbal masturbation for themselves or to intimidate people around (or likely both objectives). I think there might be two sub-types: (a) animalistic (chaotic evil), and (b) narcissistic/organized evil – they understand the need for order and expect order out of the others. They impose their own order on others, but somehow they consider themselves special or exempt by reason of special need or extraordinary existence (Raskolnikov). This specialness can be for them personally but often to their whole family/gang. “might makes right”. Use language obviously from a “dealing with conflict” type class as a way of emotionally manipulating their spouses on the phone; trying to control the behavior of people outside prison by yelling and making threats, preoccupation with firearms and gun-collecting, gun-modification. Watching “Cops” constantly and commenting obsessively on the weapons and violence-words. Constant talk about gang/tribal violence and various encounters with law enforcement and other gangs/tribes. Establishing and imposing their own rules on others and not just people who voluntarily subscribe to the social group. Examples: snitching, disallowing any talk to the police (any state employee), rules about how chimos could exist in a particular room, collecting “rent” from chimos or rats. There were rules about not snitching amongst other inmates if one inmate steals or deceives another inmate unless one of the controller/violent types is the victim of theft or deception and then snitching is expected.

I wonder if they are even moving people next week to work release. I’ve heard that they shut down transfer around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please, please, please. Let me be moved next week. Certainly the week after will be no moves.

Sat, 10 Nov 2018 [408 + 322]

It snowed in Hell yesterday. It’s still very cold here today. Fuck the rotten people of this state.

Florida race plague by voting irregularities. Haha. This country is a full-fledged dumpster-fire. Trump blames CA forest fire on mismanagement of forestry service. Wow.

I’m in a room with unrepentant thieves. RP just disclosed that his nephew stole the audio splitter from J’s room from some guy named Cheese and sold it to him (RP). He was telling that to R and JH because R wanted to borrow it and RP didn’t want him to let his Cheese-guy see it.

Slept until almost 1pm today. Good. Sleeping away this time in Hell on Earth. Fuck Susan Strong – may she burn in Hell, the real one after her miserable fucking existence in this Hell is over. Feeling depressed. I am worried (irrationally) that I am never going to get out of this place.

I forgot to mention a weird event last night. ML came into the room last night to ask me about PO. He was asking questions about the homeless population and where to stay in the city to have easy access to them and his hotel. I was kind of creeped out by his questions and after he left, and RP had overhead and said he was creeped out as well. He also was telling me about finding a wife in Japan, but that he’d also looked in the Philippines and that those two places and Thailand and Cambodia and SE Asia, in general, were a cross between Disney World and heaven. He kept starting at me and smiling as he said these weird things. It began to feel like he was trying to lure me into or at least test me out for joining some weird sex thing. I withdrew from active participation in the conversation and finally he left. He came back about 20 minutes later though with glamor photos of his daughter and some print-outs of hotel rates in various US cities. Now I was really creeped out. Eventually he said his business with the homeless was that he paid them to use their identity to do some financial crime (he didn’t say what in detail) and then he took off. He paid homeless because they often were mentally ill or drug-addicted and either way, didn’t care to have their official identifies marred by whatever he was doing. I guess that’s better than some deviant sex or sex-trafficking activity, but still gross. It did piss me off a bit that he felt OK to share his on-going crime planning with me. Why would he think it was OK? Or maybe his some plant to try and entice me into some crime to reduce his own sentence. Fuck him, either way and fuck Nebraska for enabling this cesspool. I need to get out of here this week. If not, I don’t know what. I’ll go crazy. At the very least, I will start writing more grievances, letter to the Health Department, letters to the ACLU.

Scumbag Nebraskans Held My SS Card. Who Knows What Deviant Things that Crooked State Did With It While They Held It.

Sun, 11 Nov 2018 [409 + 321]

Another freezing cold morning. I guess it’s better than the baking hot nights like the summer and fall and spring. Go fuck yourself, Nebraskan authoritarian-followers.

I want to finish my paper today in case something happens tomorrow. For the love of God, let something happen tomorrow.

A large rat wondered into the unit over 11am count. Ri saw it and pointed it out to UCW Kniefel. I didn’t see it myself.

Sent 2 IIRs to medical: one to renew my bottom bunk pass and the other to ask (again) about the influenza vaccine.

Lots of gang talk to today – very annoying. Also, I need to leave this week. If not, I may do a high jump off the second tier. Seriously I don’t know how much longer I can take this stupid.

Mon, 12 Nov 2018 [410 + 320]

There are some interesting aspects to gangs in prison. The Pisas welcome a new transfer of a member with some shampoo, soap, food, a honeybun, etc. Kind of a welcome package. God damn, I’m tired of the gang talk though.

410 days down, 320 days to go. Will this nightmare ever end. Some obnoxious women CO today who didn’t clear the dayroom for cleaning and then when I asked for the bleach to wash the phones, she asked for my ID. I don’t want to do their slave work anyway. Her name is Montgomery.

Finished the last response (#8) for the UNO class. Thank God. Only one more paper combining our own view of the American Dream with some proposal to improve post-secondary education. I think he hinted that I will be getting an A or A- based on the feedback that he gave us today.

I’m hopeful that tomorrow I will learn something about work release. Sent an IIR to Pass Clerk to find out about AH’s visitor approval. Also, asked for a coat from laundry since it’s been so cold and I’m not sure when I’ll get to work release and might need something there until mom can send me some clothes.

Tried to ask case manager Schwisow a couple of these questions, but she is hardly ever here and when she is, there is a crazy long line of people who also have questions or issues for her since she’s hardly ever here. I’ll try again tomorrow if she shows up to work and call mom and dad and see if they want to postpone the trip until there is more certainty.

DR shit himself over 4pm count. He was exercising with JH (under duress – he certainly didn’t want to be exercising) and apparently had diarrhea (a regular condition, especially for people forced to eat the prison food every meal) and lost control. It was bad for his already-humiliated reputation in the room. He didn’t have another set of clean clothes. I had to leave for class as the UCW was helping him to take a shower outside of shower-allowed times (a rare act of humanity for a Nebraskan).

Asinine guard at the education entry door would not let us in even with the passes issued by Asst Warden Wells. He (not sure of his name) and Rapist Dermody watched us freezing in the 10 degree weather from inside the warm building. We were trapped outside of our units also. The guys gave them a series of nasty critiques of various personal attributes, which did little to change the situation (but then behaving wouldn’t have other – not for a sadist like Dermody). I can’t say that I refrained from criticism. One of the guys contacted the lieutenant, who contacted a yard officer to come and open the door for us, but the one we insulted met them and they all walked off together, so clearly he talked them into supporting their Third Reich behavior.

Possible observation: I started out the day feeling frustrated and kind of depressed. I listed to RHCP (Rain Dance Maggie and Californication) and Ravel’s Bolero. Not long after I was feeling so much better. Could the music itself have changed my mood? Need to test that out on my next depressed day.

Tue, 13 Nov 2018 [411 + 319]

Got a pass for 0915 for MCC. Going to ask about taking some MCC classes. Would love to take the C++ and Assembly classes or anything really.

IN a good mood this morning, though I don’t know why. I hope it’s not because I assume that this will be the week, but then I’ll be despondent when it doesn’t happen.

Too bad… not going this week (and unlikely next week given the holiday). Schwisow said I am not on the list for this week. Fuck… Nebraskans are pretty, vindictive liars. I wish them an eternity in Hell.

They also claim that they never received AH’s visitor application. Riiiiiight. This is all payback for my grievances and the report of Officer Doofy (Duffy) for assaulting DR in this sleep. When I asked Ellinger about her form, he mustered the worst performance of not knowing who I was. He could barely contain the smarmy smile at achieving some amount of retaliation.

Wed, 14 Nov 2018 [412 + 318]

Last night our light switch stopped turning our lights on and off. After beating on it and kicking it and flipping it on and off frantically, we found out it was turning on and off the lights on the bottom tier of rooms. The UCW and UCM said you’ll just have to sleep with the lights on all night. Then they walked away with a ‘fuck you’ attitude. We asked them to bring 8 grievances to our room. They found an inmate electrician to come check things out, but he couldn’t figure it out. He did take the fluorescent bulbs out so we could sleep.

This morning they came back with the prison electricians and the couldn’t figure out the situation either. They were going to have to call a real electrician. So we currently have no lights and our light switch turns on and off the lights of every other room. Is there anything dumber than a #)$(*@#$ Nebraskan?

Talked to Ellinger and he said that the visit would still be approved without AH. So I let mom know via email.

Feeling disappointed, angry, frustrated, pissed off. I feel like I’m going to do something self-destructive, like write a nasty letter about this place to the Health Department or ACLU. Or maybe just a series of grievances.

Fuck everyone of these loser Nebraskans. They are all degenerate liars and fascism-lovers.

Thu, 15 Nov 2018 [413 + 317]

Fuck Nebraskans.

Frodo (what the dumbasses in the room call DR) is complaining about the room not letting him snort coffee. God damn. South Dakota might produce as degenerate people as Nebraska. Got a reply from the Pass Clerk that she received AH’s application on 10/24/18 and sent it to unit management on 11/08/18. Apparently it’s been sitting in Schwisow’s inbox for the last 7 days. Lazy bitch is never here and no one does the work that goes with her job.

Forgot to write yesterday (11/14) that Captain McClintock (?sp) called me to his office at 15:36 and asked me to repeat my witness statement. He also asked which officer I reported it to the next day. I eventually told him it was Wesson. He thanked me for coming forward and said something about them holding us to a standard and they held themselves to a standard too. I didn’t comment out loud that whatever the standard was, it clearly was no higher than the one for inmate behavior.

Fri, 16 Nov 2018 [414 + 316]

Burn in Hell, Susan Strong, Devil. Betrayer of Justice. Queen of Lies.

Jim Acosta wins case against White House’s fascist attempt to revoke his press pass without due process. Haha. One good day for democracy. George Conway, Kellyanne’s wife, calls Trump Administration a “shitshow in a dumpster fire”. Haha. Hehe. Hoho.

Had a medium-nasty grease (“fish”) patty for lunch. Then went and got an influenza vaccine. Before 11am count the electrician-moron came and on the third try figured out why our light switch turned every other room’s lights on/off, but ours were stuck on (if they hadn’t removed the fluorescent bulbs). But they almost killed me first (one of the state employee electricians did something at the light switch that caused a cascade of sparks and unpleasant electric shock sound and smell). They didn’t have time to put the further-back set of bulbs back on the overhead fixture before count started.

Saw movie “The Foreigner” with Jackie Chan. It was pretty good. Pierce Brosnan was in it too and played a bad guy.

Sat, 17 Nov 2018 [415 + 315]

Fuck Nebraska. I am not sure I believed in a literal Hell before 2017; now I know it’s real and it’s right here in the center of the US.

An endless boring day. I should have used the time to work on my paper for the UNO class, but I can’t seem to get interested in it. There is apparently a lot of K2 on the campus right now. JH is selling it and Ch and Ri are high on it right now. They talked about two other people “carrying the bag” – a euphemism for selling it (one was Porkchop and the other a name I didn’t recognize). Last night I had to be firm that they better not smoke it in the room. They agreed to not do that. Two people came in and smoked it in the smaller toilet stall while I was in the shower.

Nebraskan “Accountants” Are So Incompetent It Takes Half the Month To Complete the Last Month’s “Payroll”.

Sun, 18 Nov 2018 [416 + 314]

This place sucks. Susan Strong can rot in Hell. Fuck Nebraska.

Talked to TH last night. It was a good call. It is his birthday at the end of the month. He’s working out again and socializing more with his GA friends.

K2 addicts at it all day. A terrible high and risking more time in prison. That’s some trump-supporter intelligence at work.

Unrealistically hopeful about getting moved early this week to CCCO. Both DK and RP think it’s still possible.

Mon, 19 Nov 2018 [417 + 313]

Fuck this shithole state and all its degenerate people. The dumb bitch Montgomery here today again and doesn’t close the dayroom for cleaning. She also won’t give me the bleach to clean the phones. She sprayed the rag once; so I went around and touched the phones with essentially a dry rag. This place is a tinder keg for some infection. I hope if it blows, it at least takes out as many of the devils who are authorized for violence (state employees) as devils who are not authorized for violence (inmates)

Class today was an ego booster. Dr. Wuebben said I was so good he wanted to see me get published. I told him my only writing desire was to expose Nebraska for the fraud of it is. But I wouldn’t mind writing for The Nation or New Republic or something like those that aren’t mouthpieces for the police state. He suggested I check out Jacobin magazine. Never heard of it.

More K2 bullshit today.

I wonder if they might be keeping me here for the UNO class despite promising me it wouldn’t happen.

Tue, 20 Nov 2018 [418 + 312]

Freezing cold today in Hell.

Wed, 21 Nov 2018 [419 + 311]

Moved to work release in Lincoln today. Packed up my property yesterday and turned it in by like 1pm. Left this morning around 10am. There were 12 of us, including the beautiful DA. I feel exhausted and my back is throbbing from carrying all my stuff around all day and sitting in uncomfortable seats.

The things I like better: nothing really yet although the potential seems to be better for things to come. I guess the food was a little better (and I mean very little). The visits seem like they will be a lot better. There seem to be more opportunities on the horizon. The staff might be a little nicer (the people greeting us anyway); although the lady that did the orientation was a raging bitch. They tried to stick me in an upper bunk, but thankfully I had the bottom bunk pass so they pushed the guy in D9-BL to BU and I am now in D9BL.

Things I don’t like about this place: the showers are group showers. They seem really asinine about pretty stuff, like how you make your bed or putting anything non-TV on your bunk’s TV shelf. Things are different and what rules and constraints are absolute vs. just on paper. The changes and uncertainty are always unpleasant and scary at first. Hopefully that passes, like it did at DEC and OCC.

BRD and AR are here, so that is nice. Looking forward to seeing mom and AH tomorrow!

Thu, 22 Nov 2018 [420 + 310]

“You’re doing too much” and “prairie-dogging it” > Nebraska phrases that pop up again and again.

Day 2 in work detail. Mom and AH should be here in a few hours.

Awesome visit with mom and AH from 10am to 12pm. The unit guy originally said no no, but then the command center called and he let me go. Lots of good laughs and she was OK with picking me up a TV and lamp. After I asked her about the game controller. I will be able to pass the days quickly with that. Emailed Barb about getting me the floating ace configurations for Super Mario Bros 3.

Thanksgiving dinner here was underwhelming. The turkey was some weird pock-marked thing whose only shared characteristic with turkey, the animal, was the general color.

Talked to Dad on the phone. He said he had solved an issue with my garden tub and how it sat on the tile. We talked about doing things that attracted plenty of wildlife. I said that fed into some ideas that I had as well for the toad palaces, the lily pond, insect hotels, etc. I also mentioned the tea garden idea.

Wingate, the case manager, was actually pretty helpful – even though he was kind of sour about it. So far this place is definitely more pleasant than OCC. If something happens, though, from here I would be sent to the Auschwitz, called DEC locally.

Fri, 23 Nov 2018 [421 + 309]

Visit from Mom and AH today. I went to try and call DP today too. After I woke up and brushed my teeth and shaved, I came back and there was a horse head (a knight chess piece) in my bed. Is that a message? LOL. I don’t remember if I wrote how they forced the guy in my current (lower) bunk to move to the second bunk since I had a lower bunk medical pass.

Nebraska has two holiday days for Thanksgiving. Guess they really feel passionately about the Puritans massacring the Native Americans. Certainly they made out like bandits from Native genocide and their justice system reflect those values to this very day.

Another good visit with Mom and AH. They said there were no restaurants in Lincoln open for a Thanksgiving dinner. What a #)($*@#)-up shithole of a town. We talked about the stuff they were buying for me, color schemes for the house, outside projects, their Black Friday Walmart terror, and a bunch of other topics. Lots of good laughs. Mom kind of agreed about my dog suggestion and even added that they recently saw a copperhead while moving some boards around. So that’s good news. She’s also on my side about the pool. I asked AH to follow up on my Cloud accounts. At the very least, could she ask them not to delete my data until I’m out in Oct 2019 even if they won’t let her make a payment on my accounts.

Got a reply about my Ohio driver’s license: “You still need to get a Nebraska ID”. So have to request a pass for a Nebraska DMV visit.

Sat, 24 Nov 2018 [422 + 308]

Only 28 scaramuccis to go. Started reading “Homo Deus” last night. I like Harari’s writing. It reminds me of my own sometimes: blunt, sarcastic; attentive to nuance and detail, but low on quotations from other view points. 60 weeks completed.

Looking forward to Mom and AH’s visit today. Also the TV and Plug n Play Nintendo – even the reading lamp will be great.

When I get out I’m going to post an ad in the newspaper saying that I’m doing research on corruption in Nebraska government. If anyone has any leads they would like to share, especially regarding judges and prosecutors, I will pay for any lead which proves credible and I can use in my book. Interested in outright corruption, appearances of impropriety, preferential treatment using their offices, adultery, drug use, favoritism/nepotism, relationships with private prisons and other companies providing services to prison populations, and using their positions to keep their own friends, family, and donors from facing the same bitter justice that they dispense to strangers and non-donors. Then give phone number and website.

Had another good visit with Mom and AH. Then they went back home. 🙁 At least I have a TV to kill time with. Started playing Mario 3, Legend of Zelda, and Castlevania. But I wasn’t quite into it today.

There’s a rerun of Saturday Night Live where the musical guest is that hot black guy – something Scott (Troy or Tony). Would love to get some of that.

Sun, 25 Nov 2018 [423 + 307]

Thomas Friedman asks which is worse: That Trump is amoral or that he’s a trump. Haha. Great question. Reporter asks trump what he’s most thankful for and he replies that he is most thankful for himself. What a “shitshow dumpster fire” (George Conway).

Check out Google Calico project (immortality).

Got job assignment of kitchen. They’ll call me after 830 count for specific assignment and schedule,

Finished Chpt 1of Homo Deus and started China: A History (by John Leay), the introduction. Both good books. Talked to TH and he asked about Python. He wanted to send me a book to bone-up on Python and teach him too.

There is a channel 8.2 here called Grit TV. I think it’s all Westerns. Today it is playing all John Wayne movies.

Mon, 26 Nov 2018 [424 + 306]

Just waiting around for kitchen orientation… Mailed letter to Kawasaki and American Job Center. We’ll see what happens there.

The spaghetti here is actually pretty good. It has big chunks of milk sausage in it. What a difference from OCC and specially from Auschwitz (DEC). At 11:36 I went back to the kitchen to see if I had missed the job assignment call. She said “no” that it would probably be after 2pm or so. Good to see Nebraskan employees here aren’t any more honest or conscientious about their work than at the other facilities.

Got a reply from the nurse that she faxed my order to the pharmacy. I told her my current pill calendar runs out tomorrow.

Roommate AG (DU) says his Dad is chief cardiovascular doctor somewhere in NE (Charles G.) and he says don’t give children under 1 year vaccinations. Scary! I started to argue with him, but why. His dad probably really isn’t a physician at all and even if he was, how could I compete here with no access to information. He said his dad says autism only occurs int he USA (false) and it’s because of those childhood vaccinations (I suppose they might teach that in Nebraska medical schools).

Roommate Chw (AU) chimed in after that and said he had friends that started birthing their babies at home to avoid Nebraska’s fascist behaviors in hospitals. He said that sometime Nebraska sued people for “child endangerment” when they applied for birth certificates for home births – but usually lost. Interesting, if true, this is great information for my book on Nebraska injustice.

I forgot to mention that the transition between these two stories. AG said his Dad said to not let the child out of their sight because the hospitals would try to take the child and do it anyway. He claimed that they did try this. I commented that that direct disobedience to the parents’ wishes should be illegal – basically assault. Chw claimed it was very common and rarely did anyone face consequences. I said this state is fascist.

Roommates I know so far: AU: Chw, AL: D, BU: , BL: me, CU: ?, CL: Cb, DU: AG, DL: MW.

MW says that he is being paroled on Wed. I hope so as he’s a pain in the ass. I shared some cookies with him (and the room) the first couple days I was here until they were gone. Then he asks me if I have some candy or cookies for him and fully expected some.

Gave full sack of pop tokens and mostly full sack of copy tokens to female case worker to get credit on my account for them. Also sent $1 check for two sponsorship packets – one to mom and one to AH.

Tue, 27 Nov 2018 [425 + 305]

First day in the kitchen. God damn… it’s a fucking workout and killing my back. I guess I need the exercise. I’m not going to last on the ibuprofen though. Need to start going to bed earlier too, I guess.

Reentry guy says they don’t start working on parole transfer until 120 days out. Stupid fucking Nebraskans. They each have a different answer to the same question and probably none of them is right.

Oh, forgot the funniest story from yesterday. Fat guy MW was making his bed and his huge ass was sticking up toward the door. His whole 6 feet of ass crack was right there for all to suffer the sight of. The tall female officer opened the door (opens inward) and what is right in her face but a 400lb ass crack. Her face was priceless and I can’t remember exactly what she said, but it was something like “Oh, my God”. He tried to hike his shorts up, but there’s not enough cloth to cover that canyon. He says “sorry, sorry, sorry” and then they parted ways. Then I started laughing my ass off.

The “nurse” here is a useless bitch just like the so-called nurses and PA Cheryl Flinn from DEC. All she can do is parrot prison regulation and things she DOES NOT DO and the extremely narrow etiquette and engagement process that she accepts before even considering giving medical care. Her name is Ina Thiel.

Nebraska police Scotty Payne murders a citizen (29yo Zachary Bearheels) with a taser. He’s on trial for that murder now.

“See something. Say something” app – 1984, here we continue. Humans need to live in serfdom because they’re too lazy to do the work to keep a freedom-based form of government.

Wed, 28 Nov 2018 [426 + 304]

The kitchen job might kill me. I’ve gotten so out of shape. My whole body aches and I’m too tired and ache-y to even sleep. The kitchen supervisor keeps telling us to “look busy” – which is even worse than actually being busy; today we had to “look busy” for over an hour and 40 minutes. Today she (Linda) had an argument with two obnoxious black guys running the fryer. So tired…. so tired…..

MW and BRD leaving on parole today. Good deal.

Wrote a nasty-gram to the nurse recapping the situation. I requested a refill on 11/19. I was notified of the transfer to CCCL on 11/20. I notified Medical on 11/20 by IIR and in-person on 11/20. NDCS controlled my transfer from OCC to CCCL. I reminded Medical at CCCL on 11/21 and re-reminder Medical via IIR on 11/21. What else should I have done or still need to do to get my prescriptions? I did not have any pills left starting today. Then I added something about not receiving a substantive reply about rescheduling my labs and appointment with the doctor. Is anyone taking that request seriously? I should have added something about the absurdity of her orientation speech on 11/26 pre-chastising the new arrivals in advance for following her many personal policies and narrow rules for engagement (“don’t talk to me in the hallway”, “don’t stop by my office”, “even if it’s an emergency, go back and talk to your unit staff first”, “don’t call me if you throw up” “don’t call me if you have a cold” “put a kite..” “don’t show up even one second late” “don’t show up more than 5 minutes early” and another two dozens proscriptions and then the most absurd statement of all “we’re not saying this to be strict (lazy was the adjective running through my mind), we’re saying this to get you used to living in the real world. I’m not sure what real world she’s referring to. I lived in the real world for 43 years before mistakenly setting foot in this cesspool of inhumanity and corruption called Nebraska and I’ve never seen or even heard of a healthcare providers that talks or acts in any way like this screeching bitch. In the real world, she would never be issued a nursing license and certainly would never be employed in a real job.

The female caseworker closed the dayroom because people were being too loud outside of her door and then making fun over her after that. She asked them nicely first. I think she was well within the realm of reasonableness until she added “you’re in timeout for an hour”. That was immature and low class, but then her target audience was in her same class. True that the precipitating behavior was also, but it was about three individuals. Effectively this is a group punishment so that she can avoid the minimal extra work of identifying an punishing the actual individuals responsible. Extreme laziness is a common theme among Nebraskans, especially the state employees.

Thu, 29 Nov 2018 [427 + 303]

Day #3 of the kitchen. So many thieves in the kitchen: the inmates on both sides of the counter. Haven’t detected theft on the part of the state employees yet, but they’re Nebraskan so it’s only a matter of time. I asked someone wanting a sack lunch if he had signed it already and he said “don’t worry about it – just give me a sack” and gave me a dirty look. I hate thieves, even if they’re stealing from other thieves and devils.

Talked to caseworker Wingate and Ogg was in his office at the same time. I asked about moving forward with my 4B paperwork and they said I needed to wait for my case plan to be done and there was nothing I could do to speed up that process.

Case manager called me to his office to say he would scan and send my paper to UNO instructor when I had it ready. Good Lord – I was pulled out of the class, but they still think I can write the goddamn paper. No computer. No library. Fuck these dumb bastards. I hate to disappoint Wuebben because he’s a good guy, but how am I supposed to get this done with both arms tied behind my back and so tired from the kitchen I can’t even keep my eyes open.

Idea for a chapter: Nebraskans as serial liars: (1) the arresting officer Brabec saying with his shit-eating grin that the stop was for a seatbelt safety checkpoint, (2) the officer saying he was on the left side of the car when he was on the right because it made his story about seeing the pipe for plausible even though it would have put him in a lane of traffic. When my lawyer confronted him about the impossibility of seeing it from the left side, he changes his story back to the right. (3) OCC saying that they would make sure I say in Omaha to finish the UNO class, (4) OCC saying I was going to Omaha work release, (5) OCC saying “just go Lincoln work release, you can still be in queue for Omaha and when I got to Lincoln that laughed out loud at that (“there’s no chance of that”), (6) my lawyer saying “go for the plea agreement. you’ll get probation when there was never a chance – that the biggest joke in prison. Everyone here laughs out loud when you tell them that and they have the same stories, (7) the judge/whore calling what she dispenses “justice” when it’s the biggest lie of all.

Stupid-ass fire drill right after work was over. Then another stupid-ass count. The kitchen is driving me crazy. People are stealing left and right and that bugs the piss out of me. Like to-the-core bugs the piss out of me. I think I’m going to say something and then I’m going to be murdered by one of the thieves.

Talked to Mom and Dad. They got tile work done and next on to the hardwood. Can’t wait to see it. K & C were visiting. Mom is going to send books and resume copies tomorrow. They got a kick out of my exhaustion working in the kitchen story. I should have told them I was the “lead server” after only three days. The qualification was that I showed up on time two days in a row and didn’t steal any food – and I’m not sure the latter was even a qualification because they have no idea who is stealing what.

Submitted a transfer request for $250 to my hopefully soon-to-arrive debit card. I really hope it arrives tomorrow so I can get a soda over the weekend.

Requested emergency contact update again. She replied back “did I want to update contact to my mom” I replied that my mom or dad was fine, but their shared address had changed, so if I die in this cesspool of a state, send my corpse to the new address.

Fri, 30 Nov 2018 [428 + 302]

OMG. I may not make 30 days in the kitchen. Was threatened by one black guy for not helping him steal from the kitchen. I didn’t stop him from stealing, but I’m not going to help him. He said “we’re going to have to get you off the line”.

Doesn’t look like my medicine is here or my bank card. Damn these incompetent heathens. So far a depressing day. Those thieves in there make me so frustrated. I’m going to pop a blood vessel in my head. Checked my balance earlier. I think it was like $838. No medicine. no mail.

I’ve been so crabby all afternoon and evening. The kitchen work is thoroughly obnoxious. The old man in charge of watching us over lunch time was literally standing over my shoulder watching how many hamburgers I handed out and counting French fries. I found that the number that pleased him most was 15 french fries unless the fries were particularly large and then less. It seemed like maybe he just liked them to fit into the tray square even thought that pissed off everyone because it was so few fries. God damn Nebraska and especially Whore Susan Strong.

Moonlodge and Keefe – who owns these two companies? Oh, and CSI. They seem to be allowed to sell garbage food and products to inmates. Also JPay and GTL. Corruption – smells like corruption.

November 2018 Planner – Page 1
November 2018 Planner – Page 2

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