Prison Journal: August 2018

Prison Journal: August 2018
Susan Strong, Slaver for Nebraska. Betrayer of Justice. Right-wing Whore.

Wed, 1 Aug 2018 [307 + 423]

It is BP’s birthday today. Trump’s ICE dept says concentration camps for children are like “summer camps”. They are sick – in the mind and in the soul. Looks like David Gregory is on CNN now – good. I like his seeming-less biased journalism.

Community Meeting stupid as per specifications. Ms. Bless called for roll. 22 new people. Apparently one guy (T) started out in third phase (and was not previously kicked out in the third phase). The whole program is a fraud.

That asshole friend of AT’s, J, was removed from the program. Supposedly his roommate A told on him. Bunch of retards – and the inmates too. Apparently now the story is he told a guard that was going to beat up A.

CT made chocolate cake with Butterfinger sprinkles from ingredients I bought for the affair: good stuff! BP made some hot pockets. It was good too – maybe a little greasy. Sure beats the nasty, disease-ridden shit that the kitchen had to offer.

Charrlin, rotten bitch, is helping on the unit. She is a horrible human being, if you can call her that. In my book I’m going to give her the name “Case Worker Charmin,” because she gives everyone the shits. I would love to expose her for the demon she is. She was doing count and saw food in the “religious” container and started making a deal out of it. SP took ownership of the container, but this is ridiculous. Why is Nebraska endorsing religious objects and then deciding how those religious objects are used? Either the plastic tote is a fucking safety, sanitation, or security issue or it is not.

Watching new show “The Sinner” on USA (ch 27). Looking good so far. Talked to mom and dad earlier: things are moving along with the project. They are moving into the KC’s cabin until they can move in. Submitted phone update earlier today to add TH. Finished Chapter 2 of Theory of Justice.

Talked to UBM Carroll today about graduating SAU. She said she would be having everyone into her office next week to plan out those moves. She also didn’t have the specific list of parole meetings yet. She said those would be out only a week or two before the meeting, so too early on those. Seems like they’re pushing people out pretty fast, so that’s good.

At least some good news about Trump dumpster fire. Paulie Numnutts is going through trial #1 and Trump’s behavior is increasingly erratic.

Thu, 2 Aug 2018 [308 + 422]

Large Group was kind of interesting. We started to talk about honesty and whether it was really always the best policy or always owed. I said that it was not owed to everyone. Apparently the state agrees with me: they’re not honest about their racist policies; they’re not honest in the dispensing of what they call “justice”; they’re not honest in the purposes of unreasonable searches and seizures; they’re not honest in their dealing with suppliers of drugs used to murder people; and I could go one.

Relapse II was also kind of interesting. We talked about transportation, resumes, and interviewing skills.

Nasty skank and mentally ill case worker Charrlin is here again tonight. She is probably the most unrepentantly sadistic guard at the facility. Dermody might be a bigger rapist, but you can tell he knows enough to be ashamed of it and he tries to hide it. Charrlin is like a wild animal – no remorse or even an awareness of what kind of trash she is.

Tried calling TH and it turns out the degenerate Nebraskans did get him added today. Talked to him for about 15 minutes. He said he never received the visitor setup form, so I got a second latter with the form ready to mail tomorrow.

Can’t remember if I wrote here that I put in a request for a dental appointment for October 4th. I head that active dental appointments are a block for going to WEC since there is no dental services out there. Plus I was denied earlier request for a teeth cleaning because I must have been here for a year before I can see a dentist. I was also denied seeing a dental services at DEC because they ran out of time at my original trip to the dental services office and they refused to reschedule it. It was like two days ago that I sent it, but no response so far. Also, no response on why the promised regular doctor visit did not occur in July.

Watching “Men in Black II” on AMC. Oh, at lunch today, my roommate JD was making an elaborate rice dish at the shared microwave. While he was stirring the rice, I asked if I could put my cup of salmon flakes in for 30 seconds (he was blocking the microwave, but his dish was out of it while he was tending to it). He said “nah, once you start rice, you can’t stop”. This is the guy I was nice enough to buy taffy-making ingredients for each week. No worries: persona non grata.

PF, AJ, and C called me over to their table in the dayroom to help them with their job and interview questions for tomorrow. So I have them my advice and suggestions for how to prepare for the real world scenarios, not necessarily for the stupidity of this class.

Fri, 3 Aug 2018 [309 + 421]

Been pissy all day. I loaned CT my hair trimmers and he let other people use it. Gross. One of them i someone I can’t stand (JF). Oh well, need to let it go – kind of childish.

New guard on the unit this afternoon. No mail again -wtf is going on with my 401k check?!? Nothing from the IRS or FedLoan yet (no rush there). Nothing from HR. Too soon to have a reply from Jeremy or the Innocence Project. God damn it. Nothing from UNO either. Nothing from the dentist either.

Sat, 4 Aug 2018 [310 + 420]

31 scaramuccis down, 42 to go.

Last night had a room search. The little prick who did it just threw our stuff around like garbage. He ruined papers and magazines and bent books. Bunch of degenerate Nebraskans. I complained and asked for a staff damage report. GT got written up for having the butter from the kitchen in his locker.

Got replies from Medical this morning. They will investigate the mix-up with the doctor – no answer so far. LOL, they won’t shift their fat asses away from the Netflix display. On the dental appointment, they said to resend the request in October. Scumbags.

Earlier I was thinking of writing about the concept of language-stretching. People, systems, model developers stretch language to keep their models simpler than they should be so they can fit it on posters, Facebook memes, or cracker-jack/fortune cookies. Here is an example I just saw on NET: “Prison is involuntary, unless it’s for failure to pay child support and then it’s voluntary. That defies the real meaning of those words in order to avoid correcting whatever consequence was to be conditioned on the voluntary/involuntary question. It’s a convenient trick of words and models, but the stretching of language allows someone else to further stretch to meet their own short-term goals while fairness, accuracy, and legislative authority are lost to authoritarianism.

BP smells like shit – rotten eggs and shit today. He even gagged the guard Abbott. God damn you, Susan Strong. Burn in Hell.

Firing Line has Jordan Peterson on – anti-identity politics. He says we don’t find deep meaning in impulsive pleasures or ????, but in responsibilities. Some kind of crisis in men regarding their place in society. Hmmm.. Seems like kind of a douchebag, but still some interesting discussion topics. He’s Canadian – strange to hear of a right-wing Canadian. Compelled speech illegal for government to impose on individuals, though is OK in some cases to impose on corporations. Words are a shared, community-negotiated mode of communications. It can’t be dictated to others by individual fiat

Sun, 5 Aug 2018 [311 + 419]

Burn in Hell, Susan Strong.

Lazy day. Slept until 12:30-ish and then been watching PBS: “The Last Dukes” and now the series “History’s Detectives”. I think the latter is a regular Sunday show; I’m going to try and catch it in the future. There was stuff on the suffragette movement and my relative Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

Found out from PG that the names of the places that donate moldy and rotten food to the prison are: Panera, Sierra Francis, Outdoor Mission, and Hyvee. I hope to name and shame them for their inhumanity.

Wrote the Step-2 Grievance and put under Liar Ellinger’s door after dinner count release.

Sent an IIR to Educate asking about attending school on work release.

Mon, 6 Aug 2018 [312 + 418]

Cute (but stupid) kid from Room 5 is KC and he’s now in the 7am large group. He’s so adorable, but something really wrong with his judgment skills. Also made it known that they should start finding a new Resident’s Council representative.

Relapse class slightly less stupid than usual since the visiting supervisor was there instead of Ms. Bless.

Got the address for the Lancaster Co Clerk and wrote him a letter to try and get a current receipt showing that I have no outstanding balance. Wrote mom an email asking her to setup an email account for [project] as JG will need that to setup a Google Voice account.

UCM Carroll had our class’s day of disclosing our goals for after SAU. I said I wanted to be put into queue for community custody ASAP. Risky choice since that might mean being sent to WEC since I would have > 1 year as opposed to waiting for reclassify until October when I have less than one year and would most likely go direct to CCCO. Although PF seems to still think we could get sent there. Hoping the dental appointment or the UNO class keeps me in Omaha. I think I’m going to roll the dice. I can’t take this place much longer.

Changed my mind. I went and told her to wait on putting me in for work release until October. That way, I’ll have less than a year and less likely to go to WEC. Plus I’ll be closer to being locked into a fall MCC class. And I’ll definitely be here for mom’s visit. Hopefully that is a less risky choice.

The usual room conversations: drug selling, gang-banging, and pussy. Today, AT, and S mixed it up with some ‘chimo’ talk. AT admitted to multiple brushes with pedophilia (once on Facebook and once with the daughter of a “home girl”) while S wanted to force a chimo to self-castrate at gunpoint and several other sadistic fantasies just as deviant as the “chimo’s” own deviance and probably a protest-too-much cover for his own actual motives. Then, with no irony or self-awareness, they switch to talking about being Christians. I guess if they meant Nebraskan “Christians”, they’re right on the money.

Tue, 7 Aug 2018 [313 + 417]

I hope Paul Manafort goes to prison for 307 years. Douchebag who brought Trump to the presidency.

Class was cancelled AGAIN today. Thank God for that. No daily Stupid today. Asked UCM Carroll if it would be possible to make an aided phone call to [employer] to get my 401k money withdrawn. She said she would ask Ellinger tomorrow.

S was talking about cheating on his wife and AT joined in to say the same thing. These are two people who were calling themselves Christians yesterday. Damn, I’m so ready to get out of this place. I have to keep my mouth shut or I’m going to get killed.

Watching “Animal Kingdom” and a new series on TBS called “Wrecked”. So far not impressed, but I might make myself watch it so I have something to do at the 9pm/Tue timeslot. Funny that I spent most of my post-high school adult life trying to limit the number of serial shows I watched at any given time. Now I’m desperately trying to have something to look forward to on TV at every hour of the day to give myself something to plan for and look forward to. Perhaps I’m craving regularity or purpose or maybe it’s a way of “speeding up” the passage of time by distraction. Now I need to keep occupied for all of September in that way as I won’t have the two hours of SAU treatment work a week to occupy my time.

Wed, 8 Aug 2018 [314 + 416]

“T” is KC. He said in Large Group that his drug of choice was “LSD and MDMA”. He is not smart – that’s OK.

UCM Carroll handed me back my Step-2 Grievance and said I had to mail it into the main office. Got an envelope and will put it in office mail after 11am count. She didn’t say anything about the request to use the outside telephone line to call [employer].

Canteen was out of RTE meals for purchase. Fucking stupid Nebraskans – how can you screw up the task of Ordering so bad. You have to be pretty fucking dumb to mess up something so trivial or extremely hateful, if it was purposeful. It’s very likely a combination.

Had a good chat with dad. Asked him if he saw that “his buddy” was arrested in NY for insider trading (he can’t stand the guy). He said he was taking a quick lunch then back to work on the project. The HVAC guy was coming today.

Submitted two library requests: (1) book on Kant’s political/moral systems, and (2) book on punishment and responsibility (philosophy of).

UCM Carroll said she would help me call [employer] tomorrow morning about my 401k retrieval. Yay! She’s a real human being. I supposed the prison goes along with it because they see the income potential in it.

Thu, 9 Aug 2018 [315 + 415]

Large Group over – only three left. They still haven’t picked a replacement for Resident’s Council. Hopefully on Monday they’ll take the folder and have someone else attend next week’s council.

UCM Carroll helped me call [employer] but they couldn’t help me because I couldn’t remember my HR PIN number and the only way to reset the PIN required a mobile phone to text it to. HAHAHA. As I left I had the idea of trying another time to submit a POA – this time use one with the help of Legal Aid here. Indeed they did have a much simpler one (less dates embedded in the document). So I filled that out today and put myself on the list for a notary.

CT noted that the asshole guard working tonight looks like Alfred E. Neuman from Mad magazine. Haha, it’s true!!

Talked to mom. Exciting progress on the project. She and B will be coming to visit in three short weeks!

Fri, 10 Aug 2018 [316 + 414]

Graham took over the Special Issues class. He basically confirmed that we were royally ripped off (ha); Ms. Bless didn’t do half of the learning objectives for this class. There will be no visit from the Parole Dept, no visit from the work release team, and no visit from the Health Dept. We filled out a goal worksheet and a resume with an explanation letter, but there was no discussion about it and they never even looked at it. That plus about 12 – 15 pages of various papers that that were assigned, completed, and collected, but no review or feedback was given on them, Complete waste of time. Rumor has it that Ms. Bless has been in court, possibly regarding KM’s case/circumstances.

Ate at the kitchen for lunch. Mac ‘n Cheese was passable as food. The cucumbers were fresh and actually good. Surprise! The fish, though, was over-the-top grease sponge. Once I scraped off all the oil, fat, and grease of the coating, there was probably less than a teaspoon of actual fish (or whatever alleged animal yielded that meat). Have diarrhea, but in fairness to this particular meal, it’s been a run-on for several days now. Remember to order more Pepto.

Watched “The Pink Panther” (1964) on This!Omaha. I missed #2 (Trail of the Pink Panther). Watching #3 (Return of…) now. “Curse of…” and “Son of…” are also on tonight, but they run until like 3:30 in the morning and not sure if I can stay up that late. I have so much to do tomorrow – LLOLOLOLOLOL.

Sat, 11 Aug 2018 [317 + 413]

Slept in until 8:40. I couldn’t sleep anymore, unfortunately. It was so cold and I had to pee badly. There is apparently a limit to much much I can sleep. Got a bit list of tasks for today so need to get started anyway. Only 11 days left of SAU and getting very close to the 400 days left mark in captivity. If the end is real…

According to PF these are the places that are sending their rotten and moldy food to Nebraska prisons: Panera, Sierra Francis, Outdoor Mission. I know Hyvee does as well.

Sent some emails to mom about book requests, some equipment that we’ll need for [project], and some of my ideas for it too.

Sun, 12 Aug 2018 [318 + 412]

Not much happened today. Watched Downton Abbey again. Got a reply from TH about that breakfast place in Cincinnati. It was called Grand Finale. Replied to TF’s email asking about travel info to West Coast – good places to visit and such.

Got a really good quote for my book on the topic of false claims of justice by Susan, the Unjust Whore. It’s on page 386 of Theory of Justice. I copied it into my notes for the book. Burn in Hell, Susan Strong. Title ideas: Susan the Unjust, Susan the Cruel, or just Unjust Nebraska.

Include a section about particular cruelties, like keeping seriously decrepit persons in prison for minor crimes. For example: the guy so old and infirmed that he had a scooter to lean on as he pushed it around and could sit on it when he gets tired. The same guy was unable to control his bowels. He is often found in the bathroom cleaning himself by slinging his waste into a trash can as he showers.

Mon, 13 Aug 2018 [319 + 411]

Large Group: RL read a long, prosaic life that was short on actual life. The Relapse class was ridiculous as usual. Melgoza was there and he chats with the class for 5 minutes and then says work on the exercise that was already assigned for being due today. Then after we sat and stared (those of us who already did it), he assigns the rest of the exercises in the book.

Had rice and tuna from my locker again for lunch. Had SP make us burritos for dinner. Another day of no kitchen food is a good day.

Got a letter from MCC; they have some computer science classes that I would be interested in taking (C++ Programming I and II; Intel Assembly I and II). Hopefully it will work out that I can take them. [Editor’s Note: They had sent their listing for once you’re out of prison. There was nothing offered at any time that was anywhere near that useful.]

Got a reply from Troy Hawk, Lancaster County, about my request for a statement of zero balance. Surprise! They suddenly had charges of $143.52 on my balance (no invoice or prior notice of any services rendered). I replied and included an inmate check for the full amount. There was no reaction to my sarcasm in the request where I listed Susan Strong as the judge and the county attorney. Burn in Hell, Susan Strong.

Bored Art – Good Thing I’m a Software Engineer – Wouldn’t cut it as an artist.

Tue, 14 Aug 2018 [320 + 410]

32 scaramuccis down, 41 to go!

At 10am Nebraska murdered someone – a degenerate, to be sure, but there are no asterisks to the commandment “thou shall not kill”. It matters not in Hell, where the Law of Judaism or Christianity have no force. Even from a secular viewpoint, where does the state derive authority to murder as a punishment for murder. It’s just simply superior violence. The most a society could do rightly, is to expel someone from its midst for serious refusal to comply with the rules of society. But we might as well not theorize – it’s clearly only the right of violence by someone with a superior capability of violence that grants them the right to commit a murder to punish someone else for committing a murder.

Stupid bitch Bless was back in class today. That woman is so dumb. I mean abysmally stupid.

Watching the press conference after the state’s murder. There is a lot of talk about people’s “roles”. I supposed that is a convenient psychological exercise to convince yourself you’re not part of the murder, but just a simple process. Isn’t that how Nazis justified their participation – by convincing themselves they were just doing their small part. The banality of evil.

Wed, 15 Aug 2018 [321 + 409]

Usual stupidity from Ms. Bless at the community meeting. Someone said “I’m afraid to even be in this program”. That was kind of funny.

Started reading The Scarlett Letter again last night. I love Hawthorne’s writing style – he’s subtlety sarcastic and so much meaning packed into a few innocent-looking words.

Had my final individual treatment session today. Finally a small milestone completed. Less than seven days to complete SAU altogether.

I’m so goddamn tired of this place already. I would truly shoot myself in the head right now if had a gun. Since exile is not possible in the modern world as the proper punishment for failing to meet society’s rules (however egregiously unjust those rules are), a just society would offer a choice of death anytime a prison sentence was on the table. “Living” like this is far worse than death. The lack of that choice is additional proof that a society is not seeking justice or retribution for evil-done, but in fact, indulging their need to see and do violence, like a sociopath.

Thu, 16 Aug 2018 [322 + 408]

Aretha Franklin died at the age of 76.

Lawsuits against Monsanto OK’d by federal judge to move forward over Round-Up and glyphosate causing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Waste of time.. Monsanto has some SC justices on retainer.

Got the Nebraska POA notarized and mailed to mom. Hopefully this one will work.

70-some people had episodes on K2 in New Haven, CT. Possibly laced with fentanyl. It was the same people multiple times though.

Doctor showed up today. Got an appointment pass for 830am. Not much happened – he just read the same results he sent in the letter in US Mail.

I had some good ideas about my book a bit earlier today, but I can’t remember what it was now that I came to write it down. DAMN IT! It was something about comparing sales of drugs to sales of guns/automatic weapons to selling cigarettes, Round-Up, alcohol, high fructose corn syrup, etc.. Ok, turns out I did remember. Good. In those other items we blame the consumer for choosing their own course – for good or ill – even when the true nature of product is obfuscated or outright lied about by the seller. But for drugs, even when the product is full known to the buyer, we say the buyer was not responsible for making his/her own choices and instead punish the seller worse than if they were a murderer or a child-molester. A women in Omaha was recently given probation for killing several people with her car, while people get 5+ years here for providing a service that many of us appreciate. Problems with argument? Probably some drug sellers do deliberately deceive or try to manipulate people into becoming addicted. When that happens, punish them for that. It’s fucking ridiculous that every conversation about drugs ends up with the defender of mass incarceration have to resort to other crimes in order to justify criminalization of drug use. “Why can’t an adult chose drugs for themselves?” Mass-incarceration defenders: “Well then they might steal”.

Fri, 17 Aug 2018 [323 + 407]

Got the book Punishment and Responsibility by H.L.A. Hart from the library loan program. Some kind of emergency this morning they were looking for a wheelchair, but eventually took him out on a stretcher.

AT didn’t get a canteen order. The RR box was broken, so they rejected his room restriction order. Petty Nebraskans.

Ms. Bless was off the rails with stupid today. She went on and on and on and on and on about absolutely nothing. She promised to stop several times, but ended up still talking about absolutely fucking nothing! Burn in Hell, Susan Strong.

Wrote an IIR to Medical saying every time I eat in the kitchen I get diarrhea for 1-2 days: “Is there any medication to inoculate against the foodborne pathogens that have colonized the kitchen?”

Sat, 18 Aug 2018 [324 + 406]

Been reading a lot of Scarlett Letter today. Also got a letter from the prison saying that I’d been accepted into the UNO Composition class that starts on Monday.

Trump administration arrests man while he drives his pregnant wife to the hospital for an emergency C-section. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?

The honey buns and bear claws from the Canteen are all moldy. That isn’t the end of Nebraska’s biological attacks: they’ve brought MRSA into the unit to kill us too. T in Room 1 has MRSA. The unit workers have to idea how to do infection control.

SP just gave the other criminals in the room a training course on popping lockers open without a key or combination. I feel sick that I liked some of these people. Only BP, S, and I didn’t join the training (S – because he probably is already a pro). They are now practicing on their own lockers over and over.

Liar and Torture-Enabler Robert Madsen Makes Weak Excuses for Serving Garbage to Humans

Sun, 19 Aug 2018 [325 + 405]

Woke up to the last drug test, hopefully. Dumb ass Nebraskans. All Nebraskans can burn in Hell, but especially the Whore of Lincoln.

The citizens of Nebraska enthusiastically imprison their fellow citizens who don’t look just like them and who practice different religions or have different political ideologies than themselves. However, they quickly lose enthusiasm when it’s necessary to open their checkbooks to properly fund that system of imprisonment in a humane or constitutional manner: healthy food, bleach and other infection-control related goods, and staff training.

Submitted a grievance regarding the lack of bleach on the unit for the second time in 30 days (also July 30th) and now in the midst of a MRSA outbreak.

Slavery Receipt for July 2018- A month’s “wages” that don’t cover the medicine and hygiene supplies that we have to buy ourselves.

Mon, 20 Aug 2018 [326 + 404]

Major rainstorm today. Hope the whole dam state floods. Feeling particularly ornery today. Had a double-pimple at the side of my nose that I popped last night. It was the super-nasty, endlessly oozing kind that bled for hours after and was even still oozing pus this morning. I hope it’s not MRSA.

PF wanted to write a grievance about the MRSA issue as well. I wrote a sample to try and help him express his thoughts on the matter.

Got an SAU coin in large group today. PF said some nice things. Graham and Fallin said a few relevant things and a suggestion to root for Wildcats and not the Cardinals. Glad that’s over forever.

Starting the UNO English Composition class tonight. It was supposed to be in the multi-purpose room, but instead I found them in the Education department. I think I’m going to like the class though. Seems like there will be some fun topics to write on in the class, including one on the American Dream/Nightmare. That will be my chance to write insulting things about DJT and Nebraska. Another paper is on gender – that will be fun also.

SAU – Overall Program Checklist
SAU Phase 3 Milestone Checkoff Sheet
SAU Phase 3 Milestone Checkoff Sheet – Page 2

Tue, 21 Aug 2018 [327 + 403]

Talked to Dad and the electrician. He tried to not run the data (Cat 6) cabling, but we came to an agreement that he would use the coax for the TV outlets and the Cat 6 for the data outlets.

Had the last Special Issues class. We watched a duplicate of “Road to Recovery” (Delbert Boone) video and then to add insult to injury, they just shut the video off abruptly at 33 minutes into it (OK, we were all fine with quitting it early).

Michael Cohen surrenders to FBI and expected to plead guilty to campaign finance fraud and tax/bank fraud. Yahoo! Paul Manafort jury can only agree on 17/18 counts. Ha! Today is the beginning of the end of the Trump Dumpster Fire. Cohen pleads guilt and names DJT as an accomplice (“coordinated and directed by….”).

>> Justice rides a slow horse, but she will eventually get there. << [Editor’s Note: that’s not true]

Wed, 22 Aug 2018 [328 + 402]

Dropped off some books, magazines, photos and old letters to Open Property for mom to pickup on August 31.

Corn dogs for breakfast. I was appalled at first, but it tasted kind of like a McGriddle.

Thu, 23 Aug 2018 [329 + 401]

Moved back to B-wing right after SAU graduation yesterday: Room 4, DL. JH is my bunkie again. This room all goes to bed early and they’re quiet – hallelujah!

This room has the weirdest cleaning arrangement yet. It’s a different cleaning day each week. Next week I have Monday and the week after that I have Tuesday. It might be the fairest, but least likely to be remembered.

MCC class signup this morning was dismal. None of the classes they sent me in the m ail are actually offered. No C++ and no Intel Assembly class. They only had an “Intro to Computers” and two other classes even more useless classes: Dealing with Anxiety and can’t remember the other. Three offerings and all of them things people should have mastered by the 5th grade.

This unit unhygienic. There is effectively no hot water in the hand-washing sinks. The trickle is so low and slow you can’t get any hot water onto your hands. The fact that you need one hand on the faucet knob to keep water flowing doesn’t help either. The second soap dispenser doesn’t dispense any soap.

Fri, 24 Aug 2018 [330 + 400]

33 scaramuccis down, 40 to go. 400 days to go. Almost to the half-way point – maybe. Can’t wait for mom and B’s visit next week.

This room is going to be interesting. They’ve been telling me this morning about the differences between federal prison and NE prison. Then when I told them about my book, they shared some stories about Nebraska’s crimes against humanity.

They told how federal prison bends a lot more easily than Nebraska. If they had “sit-ins” they could get them to make some policy changes. They also said they would regularly slap around the COs in federal prison and there were no consequences (CN and Cirrhosis Guy).

They also told me about a lot of Nebraska’s cruel and unusual punishment. Nebraska has a torture chamber called “The Dungeon” at LCC and “South 40 Hole” at NSP where people were forced to eat bugs and where several people went insane from the depravity inflicted on them. Lookup stories about Niko Jenkins and the Louden (sp?) guy from “Boys Don’t Cry” story).

They both also said they had tried to organize (?) or at least they were disappointed that there was not sit-in for the Nebraska state-murder this month. They were disappointed that people didn’t protest the various obnoxious practices like the removal of porn or the rotten food served here or the lack of the same features that other NE prisons have (like daily movies and gaming consoles). Lot of interesting stories here about how depraved Nebraskans are.

Laundry officer Nelson is a singularly unpleasant and depressed/depressing Nebraskan. Probably unhappy with his life because of his morbid obesity. Everything that comes out of his fat face is depressing and hateful.

Wrote an IIR to verify that the UNO class will not block me from work release.

No Accountability for Cleaning Chemical Shortages in Middle of a MRSA Infection

Sat, 25 Aug 2018 [331 + 339]

Burn in Hell, Susan Strong.

Watching “Homemade” on A&E (9am). I kind of like this show.

Just heard the room talking about a strange situation about “life” in prison. They said if you have 100 years, but die after 20, they will bury your body and refuse to give it back to the family until the 80-year remainder has passes. I’m having trouble believing that. What could the Nebraskan’s interest in confining a corpse be?

Wonder if I could learn to paint or do pottery? Probably not given my lack of patience for learning anything artistic or musical. I do think the gardening could work out. It would be good to have pottery to complement it.

The roommate across from me, an older Hispanic guy, seems to be on his last leg. He told me the first day in the room that he had Hep C and advanced Cirrhosis and something is wrong with his breathing. Sounds like has emphysema or a punctured lung or something like that.

Last night I woke up because he was arguing or more like pleading with the night CO to not give him an MR because he hobbled to the bathroom to throw up or something other eruptive event, which apparently included blood. I am afraid it’s not out of the realm of possibility that this guy doesn’t make it another month. Eh, could be an exaggeration, but Benjamin just came in and told us to keep an eye out for him, so he must have some doubts too.

The bathrooms on this wing are filthy and unhygienic. There is no water pressure to speak of out of the hot water side of the sinks. The back shower does not drain properly – the front half of his has standing water. I know Nebraskans are not smart, but wouldn’t even they have learned that the drain has to be the lowest point in the drainage area? Couple that with the lack of sufficient cleaning products available for us make this a veritable Funhouse of Infection.

Sun, 26 Aug 2018 [332 + 398]

Woke up full of piss and vinegar. Good to do some writing.

John McCain died yesterday. RIP. Hopefully some honorable-ish statesman picks up the mantle and puts the needs of the country before their own political and financial needs.

Tropical Storm Lane downgraded from hurricane to Cat 4 to Cat 2 to tropical storm before it made landfall in Hawai’i. First time I ever heard of a hurricane in that part of the world.

I’m starting to like the “This!Omaha” channel. I watched “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” on Friday night. Today I found this one movie that I’d seen a long, long time ago that started with a hauntingly beautiful song “Shadows of Paris” – it’s “A Shot in the Dark” from the Pink Panther series. OK, after listened to it all the way through, maybe I exaggerated in my memory how great the song was, now that I heard it three decades later.

Delaying writing this 3-page paper for Comp class – procrastinating, more like. Some things never change, no matter how boring things are. “I believe everything; I believe nothing. I suspect everyone; I suspect no one.” (Clousseau)

Mon, 27 Aug 2018 [333 + 397]

Burn in Hell, Susan Strong.

More TV about John McCain. Dumpster Fire couldn’t even let the WH press corps release a statement commending his service to the nation. He’s as a petty and despicable as a Nebraskan.

Need to get my ass in gear on writing assignment for the UNO class.

Fat baby Trump pouted up his bloated face and wouldn’t say anything about John McCain at all. He had flags at the WH back at full-staff while Congress called for half-staff.

Finished 3-page paper on hidden intellectualism/brilliance. I think I did OK on it, but I guess I will see shortly. I have to turn in it in a few minutes! lol

Asked both Kneifel and Abbott about a unit job assignment and both demurred to McCluskey, the asshole. I tried.

Roommate RP (The guy with Hep C and live cirrhosis) was assaulted by Nebraska earlier. They found out that his “grill” (dental partial) had a diamond in it. So they him to Medical under false pretenses where a PA asked him for it and sent two other people (Kneifel and UCM Carroll) to kick us out of the room while they went through his bunk and locker, where they did not find it. Then he came back from the medical pod to a security guard waiting for him to take him to be strip-searched (presumably still looking for it.) He came back to the room and said he told them he’d give it up if they promised no write-up for it, which apparently they agreed to. RP said the dentist at DEC apparently purposefully broke it out of his mouth in the first place because they wanted him to send it out of the facility. It wasn’t clear from his story how he held onto it at that point. I didn’t want to ask any more questions than I already had.

Nebraskans really don’t want that guy to eat or live apparently. They denied him any treatment on his Hep C until he is here for at least a year. I think they’re hoping he’s dead before they have to treat him. I offered to help him write a grievance if he wanted.

Find episode of Frasier where Frasier and Niles are caught in a parking garage and Frasier won’t pave the $2 because he left immediately (didn’t actually park). Niles tells him “you’ve been given several opportunities to leave without paying. You just want everyone to agree with you or suffer for not agreeing with you.” HAHA. Omg… that’s me to a tee. Very similar scenario when I was in Columbus with Brandon. (Later series episode … Niles and Daphne already married and Kenny is the station manager.)

Tue, 28 Aug 2018 [334 + 396]

Blah. Had the idea of writing my book with a similar plot device as Inferno, with Susan Strong as an evil version of Virgil, harassing the protagonist as he navigates the Nebraskan Inferno. I’m kind of of grooving on the idea right now. Need to come up with a unique story to wrap that into.

Asshole State Employee McCluskey here his morning. He’s such a douchebag. I was going to try and ask him about a job assignment, but I didn’t want to deal with his ass-clownery or his breath. Abbott was here in the afternoon; he’s adorable. He gave me the receipt from mom sending me $200.

Talked to mom and dad. The electrician and HVAC guys are done until the drywall work is done – they’re waiting on the plumbers.

God damn, Susan Strong. May Satan fuck her skull for all eternity once the world is freed of her rotten soul.

It’s hot in here – the A/C is “broken”. Broken also are the hot water faucets in the bathroom (yes, all of them), the toilets (when flushed the water rises past your balls) and the showers (the water doesn’t drain from all parts of the shower, so you’re standing in pools of bacteria and feces and whatever else rises up out of those drains that smells like shit and the decay of humanity). Oh, and the soap dispensers don’t work.

Wed, 29 Aug 2018 [335 + 395]

Story JH told me about CF and asshole McCluskey. CF, in this story, said he asked McCluskey why he was picking on him all the time. CF ask him if he was a racist. McCluskey replied “Yes, I am a racist”. CF filed a grievance and McCluskey was suspected for two weeks. Wonder if that was a true story. I totally believe McCluskey was comfortable enough admitting he was a racist – I just don’t believe he told the truth about it during a grievance reading or that Nebraska would have done anything to him if he had.

Got assigned the job of wiping down the phones with bleach every day at 8am. That is hilarious.

Had a long conversation with CN(D) about drug-politician conspiracies. He’s an interesting character.

Mentioned to RP that I might sell my TV before going to work release.

Thu, 30 Aug 2018 [336 + 394]

Got a new coax cable and angle adaptor at canteen – my TV works perfectly now.

Fri, 31 Aug 2018 [337 + 393]

Had to give another cheese block and sausage to the group meal. Then I donated my three hot pockets to the guys in the room since I was going to be eating with mom and B.

11th month done! Only 13 months to go. Four more weeks to work release.

Had a great visit with mom and B. I am eager to see them again today. The half-way decent vending machine food was good too.

It was D (CN)’s birthday on Friday so we made hot pockets.

August 2018 Planner
August 2018 Planner – Page 2

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