Prison Journal: October 2017

Nebraska Concentration Camp
Diagnostic and Evaluation Center

Sunday, 22 Oct 2017

Called D; he was travelling to I. for a tractor part.

Tuesday, 24 Oct 2017

Called M; she was excited about new project.

Thursday, 26 Oct 2017

Dozer threatened to break my glasses for “talking disrespectfully” to him. Ha. Dozer is some type of ex-military; total meat-head. Thinks he knows it all; Republican; beats his wife. He hid my chair in the shower because I wouldn’t move so he could spread his oafish ass across several spaces in the TV room.

Friday, 27 Oct 2017

The Great Cookie Caper. A.B. and several porters across several units were caught eating cookies off the food carts as they were supposed to deliver them. Apparently most of them were stealing a single, “normal” amount of cookies but some guy from a different unit filled his shirt with 30+ cookies. According to A.B., Lt Ginder or Grinder? caught the guy, but fired all of them as porters. And the 30+ cookies that were transported in a filthy dirty inmate shirt were served to the inmates. I watched them [guards] bring in the tray of disheveled cookies to complete dinner service.

High day for drama as several of us filed a complaint against Dozer with Sgt. Steinmetz because of his (1) bullying behavior, (2) disrespectful actions, and (3) threats of violence. I was elected to write up the complaint. Part of the section 2 described his “toxic flatulence” that he strategically and rudely unleased on his victims and that it was like the “decay and rot of humanity.” He sometimes walks in front of the fan to do it for maximum assault/impact. Wes imply asked for him to be counselled on his behavior and apologize to A.L. and M.

Saturday, 28 Oct 2017

The guards must have read the complaint. Our morning CO was Mota, but Ravenhorst and Kurt, a black CO came into the pod. I didn’t hear the beginning of the dispute, but soon Dozer was calling Kurt a racist and Kurt was calling him a clown and a racist. One of the guys on our complaint had included that Dozer told him (M) that he would “break his black ass.” Dozer challenged the CO to a fight and the CO (Kurt) challenged him back, but nothing really happened. Ravenhorst pulled him off the unit. Not sure if anything happened. I think Ravenhorst likes/favors Dozer. Dozer came back as defiant as before and was saying we had tried to “kite him out.” (We hadn’t asked for that.)

At gym, Dozer was trying to antagonize A.L. into a fight over the complaint. -6pm – noticed my bag of pop tokens (25) was missing from my locker. -later “Cookie Caper” people get their jobs back.

Sunday, 29 Oct 2017

Decided to name my book “Something’s Rotten in the State of Nebraska”.

Forgot to mention big event last week. I think it was Oct 24/Wed. T, an inmate in room 18 had an epileptic seizure. His roommate banged on the door and Ravenhorst reacted quickly to help him. It took forever for the disorganized and grossly out of shape remainder of the rescue crew to get a gurney and transfer board into the pod, up into this room and down the stairs. The fat officer got stuck and they had to move Tarth around a lot extra to get him down. If this had happened at night, he probably would have been dead as the whole floor (90% of the surface area) is covered with guys on cots.

I mentioned this theory to Ravenhorst the next day. He said “non it would have been the same. We would have maced people to get them off the floor faster”.

Another event before I started the journal: Oct 16 to 18ish… A crazy guy (known after the fact by us) joined the pod. He acted strange, paced a lot and eventually could be heard telling Ravenhorst “I am not waiting in the cot line for a room again. That’s fucked up that I have to start all over again. Ravenhorst shrugged it off. Later I heard Ravenhorst tell guards in the hall (as I was on my way to Med Support) that “he told me to him out of here or he was going to do something crazy”. I got back shortly before lunch and the guy was still pacing around. Other guys said he had been “sizing them up”. At lunch, he randomly starts punching C (aka “Lurch”). Ravenhorst tells him to get down on the ground, which he immediately stops punching Lurch and gets down on the ground. Several offices enter the room and cuff him and take him to the hole. The “hole” sounds dirty or unpleasant, but apparently its the place to be. You get your own bed and personal TV and you don’t have to put up with the criminals – the ones in the cells or the ones that are on state payroll.

Threats from Dozer: “was going to make (false) accusations of sexual whatever…”

Monday, 30 Oct 2017

Got a room. Lots of sleep and no drama.

Tuesday, 31 Oct 2017

More on the Great Cookie Caper. A.B. was charged with 4 counts: 2G theft, 3C passing/receiving unauthorized articles, 3N violation of regulations, 2H violation of signed program agreement. “I, Lt. Gridner was assigned as shift supervisor at DEC. On this date at appr 1630 hours I was notified by HU8 f.c….”

Dozer was moved to a new pod. Yeah! Rumor has it, it is a violent pod and that he was none too happy about it.

Caught up on letters to M, B, P, and C. Yesterday I got a reply about the lactose-milk: saying it was not an option, but I could get powdered milk! I sent a reply that ‘sounded disgusting’ and I guess I would just have to do without breakfast to Cheryl Linn PA-C.

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